While it is good to see our Elko County neighbors experience the end of the Great Recession, it would be nice to see it happen here.

Of course one could argue that West Wendover hit hard times long before the crash of 2008.

Despite some pretty nifty numbers from the casino industry Wendover had been bleeding people and small business for a good five years before the tough times became the bad times.

Over regulated and under served this city’s approach to attracting new industry and development has been dismal. One project failing we can understand, two a little more difficult but three, four, five?

But instead of waking up and perhaps asking if there could be something wrong in the way prospective businesses are treated or why small shop owners prefer to close their doors rather than continue our city council merrily continued to pass even more regulations.

They could because while gaming was booming they could.

Tax revenues just kept on going up and up, property values continued to rise and then as it always does the boom went bust.

Wendover’s vaunted growth rate is now a decline and the city’s exorbitant budget needs some serious cutting or a tax hike to plug the deficit.

This is what happens when fantasy meets reality and as always in such a contest reality wins.


So we are at war with Libya but not really.

We want to overthrow Qaddafi but not really.

We have a mandate from the United Nations but depending on who you ask not really.

It is a lot easier to start a war than to finish it, and calling war by any other name is silly, stupid and not very serious.

And soon it will be high time we get serious.

Or the guy we are half hearted trying to bomb to death is going to strike back. It won’t be in Libya either but here at home.


After a month of work we are finally ready to launch our new web page design. Since we started it three years ago we have grown by leaps and bounds. We remember how excited we were to get our 100,000 hit, took us over a month. We hit a million nine months in and now we do that in less than six months.

Hopefully are new web design will be easier to use and to navigate and for our readers to interact with our web page.