Our mother was a woman of snap judgements.

Once she drove us to a movie took one look at the line and drove us back home.

‘I didn’t like the look of the crowd, and if that’s the kind of people this movie attracts it must be a bad movie.’ She explained.

At the time we thought she was a little insane especially because the movie was “The Good, the Bad and The Ugly” which was the perfect movie for an eight year old boy.

42 years later we can see her point not only on the merits of the movie for a second grader but also in judging something by the members of the crowd it attracts.

We made the same snap judgement a while back when we left the Democratic Party merely on the basis that at a Howard Dean rally someone was waving a Palestinian flag and the rest of the crowd just let him keep waving it all through the speeches.

Which brings us to the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street.

We would not mind it very much if even the wackiest Tea Party person became our next door neighbor. Sure the colonial dress is a little weird but they do pick up their trash and stay off the lawn.

The crazy Occupy Wall Street folk on the other hand poop in the street and fornicate in public. Yes we know that probably most of the OWS poop and fornicate behind closed doors. But the fact that some of them feel perfectly comfortable dropping their pants in public for one or the other bodily functions long enough for it to end up on youtube without anyone else telling them “Hey don’t do that!” Is enough for us not to listen to them.

Apart from public defecators and fornicators OWS seems to have attracted more than its share of Jew haters who like generations before them blame all their ills, broken dreams and failures on our people.

Their defenders cite free speech which is fine and dandy but whatever salient points OWS may have they lost us by the fringe. The fringe is after all the first thing one sees when approaching a crowd.


For about a decade now West Wendover has led a fierce drive for aesthetics. As vacant lots began to be built upon the city council in a series of measures began to limit on just what can and more often could not be built.

They passed on laws on type, on color, on signage and guess what?

Those vacant lots stayed VACANT.

But while vacant they are now beautifully frame with nice wide sidewalks, beautiful Victorian style street lamps, a huge city hall and soon to be wonderful landscaped islands all paid for by public money.

Evidently our aesthetically minded city council failed to attend the first class of art school.

No matter how pretty or ornate the frame a blank canvas is not a painting.

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