hcWe got an anonymous package Wednesday containing a whole ream of papers of the cities of West Wendover and Wendover, Utah filing on water wells in Pilot Valley.

That is about all we could make out of it.

We know how to do several things competently if not well.

We know how to put out a weekly newspaper, we know how to fix a vending machine, and we know how to drive a tank.

Notice that of all the things we know how to do none of them require subtlety. In fact subtlety is exactly what they don’t need. Although in tank driving we can or could take a ten foot deep trench at 30 mph and finesse just so that the rest of the crew would hardly feel a bump. That is kind of driving while incredibly cool, is not however subtle.

There is a very good reason why we a good at the straight forward. We are not subtle. We have been told that we could not take a hint if it came up and jumped in our front pocket.

Thus finding something nefarious in a dozen or so engineer filing is simply beyond us. Just the words water well and engineer makes us drowsy. The person or persons who sent us the filings were obviously laboring under the impression that we have more brains than we actually possess or wanted to help us take a nap.

Whatever their good intentions they failed, although after going through the filings with a friend a nap seemed like a pretty good idea.

Would it have been so hard to write an anonymous note to at least direct us to what they saw?

And if our would be benefactor is reading this it isn’t too late, you spent six bucks mailing it what’s the cost of a stamp?


We would be remiss if we did not wish our Jewish readers a very Happy Hanukkah and to ask our Greek readers to bear no hard feelings.

It was 2,500 years ago after all which is a lot of water under the bridge even in a desert.

It is remarkable though that the sons of David and Judah the Maccabee are still around to break bread with the sons of Plato and Alexander.

Jew and Greek a Roman historian once wrote are two sides of the same coin.

But what did he know? Romans are newbies.