We have a hard time with ‘thank you’s.
We say it easy enough but being on the receiving end is another story.
We blush, we stammer, we are very uncomfortable.
We hope it is not false modesty, unless false modesty means acute embarrassment.
Perhaps it has something to do with being a soldier.
In the Israeli Army the only thing worse than saying ‘thank you’ to a superior was saluting an officer. Both merit a severe chewing out at very high volume and running around the base as punishment.
For whatever reason we were phobic about it, that is until we shared our aversion with our infinitely wiser wife.
When we told her how uncomfortable it made us to be thanked and how we didn’t know how to respond, she shook her head and replied ‘What’s wrong with you’re welcome?’
Like we said she is much smarter than we are.
So lately we have been trying.
We aren’t cured by no means.
We were thanked today. We murmured back a you’re welcome and then looked over our shoulder for that master sergeant with the handle bar mustache.
He didn’t show.
But the family who thanked us probably thought we were a little weird.
Thankfully we will be celebrating our 30th year of publishing soon so it will be us doing the thanking to our clients, customers, and readers and not the other way around.
That is the way it should be or at least we feel no embarrassment about expressing our gratitude to each and everyone of you.
Thank you all.
We think you have and are doing an awesome job so tes Thank you!