Post Offices throughout rural Nevada are scaling back hours and or reducing personnel as the financially beleaguered service struggles to make ends meet.
In West Wendover the postal staff has been reduced from three to two while in McGill service has been cut to from eight hours a day six days a week to just six hours a day, five day a week. There have been other cutbacks in Ely, Elko, Wells and Winnemucca.
The United States Postal Service has been hemorrhaging money for well over a decade as many former users switched from mail to fax, e-mail and other electronic communication.
Further cutbacks are expected to continue.
Howard you need to research your information on this article a little bit further. West Wendover still remains with a staff of three. Elko is in the process of bringing on new hires. Wells has been approved for and in the process of hiring another employee. Winnemucca just hired a new employee while under my temporary Postmaster assignment.