A facebook page is heating up the political discord in Ely just months before the municipal elections.
Begun just a week ago, White Pine & Ely Politics now has close to 200 subscribers and is expected to double its size within the month.
As one would expect most of the posting pertain to the upcoming municipal election where it seems controversial city Clerk Jim Alworth is becoming a major issue.
Most recently coming off a confrontation with City Councilman Marty Westland, Alworth that almost came to blows earlier this year.
Judging by the posts Alworth could become a liability for those politicians who support him.
“The Ely City Council meeting on Feb. 14th has again given Ely’s prospective business’s and residents another reason to leave here and not to live here,” wrote poster Jim Northness
“Mr. Alworth claims to be a victim.
Councilman Westland, if I was called in front of the Ethics commission by City Clerk Alworth, I would subpoena all the City Supervisors The City Attorney, Mayor, City officials, and Employees past and present and get a deposition from each one of them . A person under oath is more likely to tell the truth. Every one of them has either been a target or has witnessed Mr. Alworth’s anger and intimidation. If you would like a list I will get one for you. I have recently been made aware he apologized to a volunteer fireman for one of his tirades brought on because this individual misspelled some words.
Mr. Mayor I have discussed his anger management with you and I was assured this was a thing of the past. I see that did not happen. If you want to do the Cities business, you and the Council must get this under control. The City Attorney, Mayor and councilmen should be cognizant, that not all of the fire stirring is caused by City Hall, it is time you all grow up and do what you were elected or hired to do.
If anyone of authority tries to guideline who the City does business with, then this person is overstepping his authority. Isn’t there a reason for rules and regulations on Companies bidding for Government contracts? If the dollar amount for what you need done is less than is required for a bid, be fair all of these local businesses, one is as important to you as the other or does favoritism exist in the City? Are all conflicts of interest disclosed to the public? Are either City employees or elected Officials guilty of this? I am confident I could point out a few instances that should be investigated.
Mr. Northness is a many years back city councilman and a respected voice in Ely. He is calling it right about the Ely City Clerk. Ely needs more qualified, competent, and professional management. Not the intimidation and secrecy that we have now.