As the first and for a long time only Nevada newspaper to endorse gay marriage we are satisfied with the Supreme Court’s striking down of DOMA.
However what we can’t abide are politicians, op-ed writers and the like who less than ten years ago supported DOMA and all the other anti gay legislation crowing how “they” won now.
We never liked band wagons and we loath folks whose opinions evolve conviently to the winning side at just the right time.
So now let’s talk about legalizing polygamy.
Gasp and heavens to Betsy!!!!
All the arguments for gay marriage apply just as well to polygamy and unlike homosexual unions it has a strong clear biblical base.
All of the biblical patriarchs except Isaac had more than one wife.
King Solomon had over 500.
Indeed the whole idea of having just one wife comes from then pagan Greece and Rome.
And while personally the whole idea of having more than wife gives us the heebie jeebies, they are not heebier or jeebier when we are forced to think about our middle aged gay friends making out.
Yes we know of the horror stories from polygamous cults. We do live in rural Nevada.
But one could well argue that criminalizing of polygamy plays more than a small role in creating the climate for those abuses.
There are perhaps hundreds if not thousands of polygamous families who are just as boring as the rest of us but still in the closet.
Isn’t it time we let them into the light?
It must be remembered that at present the government effectively has no enforcement against adultery. Therefore, if a person is married that individual is permitted to have relations with as many people as he/she wishes. The only restriction is the registration with the government of those relationships.
I for one don’t understand why the government is even involved with marriage. We read everyday about the separation of “Church and State”. So why is it that the government feels the need to involve itself in a religious rite.
If two (or more) people wish to enter into a contract to share assets, employment benefits, life decisions, etc, so be it. If those individuals wish to file those contractual agreements with a government body to insure there safe keeping, so be it. But don’t call it marriage. Marriage once again is a religious rite. The government has no place in getting involved.