Over a dozen of surviving Chihuahua dogs and puppies rescued earlier this month ago in Wendover found new and safe homes thanks to a Utah animal charity funded by PetSmart.
The rescued Wendover Chihuahuas along with dozens of other dogs and cats were featured at the national Adopt weekend sponsored by PetSmart and the organization ‘No More Homeless Pets in Utah’ organization.
A week before the dogs and puppies slated for adoption were checked for health and emotional problems by volunteers.
“It was an absolutely wonderful event,” said Salt lake Petsmart store manager Melora Wood and new Wendover Chihuahua owner. “Some 15 or 16 Wendover dogs found new homes and yes one of them is now mine.”
Earlier this month some 50 starving and ill Chihuahua dogs and puppies were rescued from what was described as a mobile puppy mill at the Wendover R Place Truck Stop.
“I received a call from friend Noe Lopez that we where needed a the R Place Truck stop that there was a older couple in need of food and would like him to buy them some food for some puppies. We rushed over there to find the most horrifying sight I have ever seen and if God is permitting I never will again.
There were what looked like to be 50-60 dogs some dying and two new born dead. The car was packed with older dogs as well as younger ones and the smell I don’t think I could even describe it. They sat in dog crap dog pee and dead puppies,” said Wendover rescuer Carolyn Neeley.
‘No More Homeless Pets in Utah’ is a no kill animal shelter funded through private and corporate donations primarily PetSmart.
As for the original owners of the dogs, Terry and Marie Friedel, the likelihood of arrest warrants of animal cruelty appeared to diminish this week. The couple who have allegedly left a trail of dead Chihuahuas from Elko to Wendover, Utah over the course of two weeks are said to be in Kansas and still traveling with dogs.