
Let me introduce myself my name is Quinn Rice I am a computer service technician with 15 years’ experience in repairing computers.  I have worked for some of the top name repair companies in the business, I have decided to offer my services here in Wendover and Howard asked if I would write a Column giving some direction that might help with the computer needs of the community.  So I gave it some thought and figured that giving some insight on what computer is best for me?

There are 3 classes of computers:

The first is the least expensive usually found at the box stores like Walmart in the price range from the price range of $350.00 to $700.00 depending on what store you look at.  

The Second is more of a business classification ranging from $600.00 to $2000.00 meant to run the business applications and meet the needs of the company.

The Third is the gaming computer and there is no limits to the price range anywhere from $1500.00 to no limits, to what this computer will do or coast of this computer.

quinnadSo I want to give some insight of what I was told when I worked for one of the big name repair companies, I was told that to make my money I had to sell so much merchandise to increase my check.  So I picked out 3 of the bestselling computers on the floor and when my customer would come in and make a statement “I am looking for a computer” that would be all I heard.  Even though I would ask what you are looking for in a computer system.   That would not matter I already had 3 computers I was going to pitch.  I was going to sell them one of the 3 computers I already chose.  The words out of the customers mouth was Blah…Blah…Blah.  It is not in their best interest to repair your computer or even one of the low end computers that will fill your needs.  In most opportunities the repair tech will sell you a computer that would be overkill and out of the price range you are looking for.  In most cases I found the computer you already got is going to fill the needs it was intended for, with the correct upgrades or repairs to the current system is really all that is needed.

So do some research to find the best match for your needs, instead of asking someone else what you need as that normally turns out to be overkill?  You are the best to know what you can afford and also what you need.
