If your computer is a windows-based computer, there is a good chance that it is running slower than when you bought it. There is a few suggestions I can offer that any person can do on their own before they involve a technician or buy a new computer.
First, run an anti-virus and anti-spyware software. I would recommend something like “housecall” from trendmicro or Kaspersky virus scanner. I also have used spybot search and destroy. Do a deep scan and if possible run a scan to see if the virus is in the boot sector witch would be bypassed in a normal scan. This would be a root kit.
Second, increase the memory. This is one of the quickest way to improve the performance of a computer. Memory is not as expensive as it used to be. And anyone can install more memory into a computer.
Third, clean up. Clean up the hard drive, get rid of applications no longer being used, move pictures and documents to a removable drive then delete them off the hard drive, remove old profiles. Be sure to delete the temp files and any downloaded files not in use.
Forth, defrag the hard drive. Many problems can be fixed with a defrag. When you delete a file it leaves holes that data cannot use. With a defrag, most of the holes from removed data will be resolved and this will free more space on the hard drive.
If you still have problems after doing all of this, then it is time to call in the expert or replace the system.
Quin Rice
qsrice@live.com or http:\\quinnscomputerrepair.webs.com