The Elko County Republican Party (ECRP) annual Lincoln Day Dinner on Friday February 6, will feature a celebration of Ronald Reagan’s 104th birthday and three speakers: Nevada Congressman Mark Amodei, newly elected Elko County Commissioner Delmo Andreozzi and Dr. Annette Tejeiro, Republican Congressional District 1 candidate who will discuss Nevada’s political scene and the lifting of the Cuban embargo from her perspective as a Cuban-American. The dinner will be held Friday, February 6 at the Boys and Girls Clubs of Elko and will be catered by Luc Gerber of Luciano’s and Freeman an A Redneck restaurants in Elko.
Festivities will begin at 5:30 pm with a VIP reception at Highland Village of Elko Retirement Apartments, 2850 Ruby Vista Drive, where attendees will have the opportunity to meet local. State, and federal Republican officials. Reservations for the VIP reception are $25.00 per person.
No host cocktails will be served beginning at 6:00 pm at the Boys and Girls Clubs of Elko at 782 Country Club Drive, followed by dinner at 7:00 pm featuring a smoked prime rib carving station, king salmon in basil-lemon sauce, chicken piperade, salad, balsamic vegetables, Parmesan potatoes, and bite sized desserts. Dinner will be followed by speakers, a live auction including a half of a beef and a Ruger 10/22 Take Down model rifle with ammunition, and raffle items including a Savage 17 HMR rifle with ammunition (raffle tickets can be purchased at the dinner). A silent auction will be conducted throughout the evening.
Dinner is $65.00 per person or $6500.00 for a table that sets eight; the VIP reception is separate at $25.00 per person. Please RSVP by Tuesday, Fe
bruary 3 online at through Lynne Hoffman via email to or by phone at 738-3920. MasterCard and Visa will be accepted online or at the door; checks should be made payable to the Elko County Republican Party and mailed to PO Box 326 Elko, NV 79803.
For more information please contact Lynne Hoffman at 738-3920 or vista the Elko Republican Party website at elko.nevadago[.us