Our facebook page exploded last week.
We had friends who were predicting the end of civilization and then we had other friends who tinted themselves in rainbow colors and went Yippee.
We seriously began thinking about getting a new set of friends and then we realized we did.
Thanks our history we have quite a few friends who could care less about last week’s SCOTUS decision.
It is not that they are or are not gay or gay sympathizers or devout traditional Christians or Jews. Our friends who could care less because they aren’t Americans.
The Supreme Court of the United States decision and a couple of euros will get a cup of coffee in Paris.
We are going to go out on a limb here and suggest that in a couple of years from now even Americans will not care about last Friday.
There were a lot of other headlines that we can read.
The Greek crisis, ISIS, Syria, heck Russia just declared that the Baltic states may have become independent illegally.
Yes we know it made the news, on and on again but seriously we are sure that for all the fanfare gay marriage is probably the least important headline of the 21st century.
There just not that many gay who are getting married and there never will be.
Some may cheer others may jeer at gay friendly children’s books but they will remain on the shelves and not checked out of the library.
Yes one may lobby even sue for gender neutral grammar toilets, but they will go unused unless of course by a desperate boy or girl who really needs to go NOW.
There is a world going on and tinting one’s facebook photo the colors of the rainbow is silly.