Thanks to the miracle of youtube old guys like us have access to old music and old musicians without have to lug around a million pounds of vinyl albums.
Just this week we found Barry McGuire’s Eve of Destruction. It was released back in 1965 so it was kind of old when we heard it for the first time or at least it was older the first time we could understand.
It sounded pretty cool at the time, year it had been a couple of years but it still seemed like we were all on the eve of the destruction.
We were just too young to remember that the end of the world has been predicted almost from the beginning of civilization.
Sometimes we have come close but always we have muddled through surviving perhaps because there really wasn’t another option.
Our son asked us what was it like when the Berlin Wall fell?
We recounted our memories of that night when to our amazement Germans were sitting on the Wall without getting shot. It was amazing but it was not the end or even the beginning but just a continuation of this human story.
This deal with Iran is not going to be the end of the world either. In deed little depends on whether or not it is approved or not. We will muddle through right through to a World War and we will muddle through that too.
And while Obama and Kerry pat themselves on the back for a job well done the horror they have midwifed is squalling.
Slouching toward Jerusalem waiting to be born.