The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.
Sometimes that kind of dogged determination is some thing to be admired other times it is just sad.
The Ely Mayor’s jihad against the Rail Road board is just sad. Try as she might she simply does not have the votes to change the board. And she never will.
The only thing these repeated votes she calls prove is that she is stubborn.
We don’t mind stubborn. We have been just accused of pigheadedness ourselves. But three will always be more than two as even our three and a half (don’t forget the half) grandson knows.
Stubborn we can forgive even admire but stupid— not so much.
Tuesday in the middle of the day we went to fly kites with our grandsons. Yes it was a workday and yes we had work to do but we also had grandsons who delighted in flying a kite to the clouds.
How glorious it was.
And somehow all the worries and tribulations dissolved and dissipated to the squeals of children’s laughter. How wonderful it was to be alive and listening.
Saturday the student engineers from our local high schools will be competing against each other and two other teams. We urge everyone to come out and show some local pride. These children are the best of us and who knows someday they will help us get to Mars.