Howard Copelan, Publisher

Howard Copelan, Publisher

There are certain truths we would like to believe are universally accepted.

But San Bernardino should have answered every assertion that Muslims are just like us.

We aren’t saying there aren’t any freedom loving non rabid bat shit crazy Muslims it is just that being a rabid bat shit crazy Muslim is not grounds to lose you visit to Mecca card.

And as long as these rabid bat shit crazy Muslims are considered good Muslims until they happen to blow their Christian, Jewish, Hindu or even Muslim neighbor heads off, we ain’t giving them the benefit of the doubt. They are all potential killers and we would appreciate it if they all left.

We know it is harsh and we never would have written this after 9/11 or Fort Hood or even Paris or any of the previous Muslim on non Muslim murders.

It was Tashfeen that change our minds.

Tashfeen was the woman mass murderer in San Bernardino. She just had a baby girl and was recently was the guest of a baby shower held by the same people she murdered Wednesday.

If Hollywood were telling this story the planning and staging of this brutal killing would have remained the same, but then just at the last moment Tashfeen would have a flash back to the baby shower and the wonderful gifts she received. Then she would have stopped the murder maybe even taking her husband out.

Unfortunately the Muslim psychotic bitch play trued to form and 35 people were killed and wounded. More would have been killed had not the sprinkler system cam on and drowned the bomb they made.

That is a another self evident truth that is proved again false.

Women are supposed to be the gentler sex and a mother’s love of her children especially her new borns is supposed to be the greatest love of all.

That is also a lie. Youtube is filled children of Muslim mothers praising their acts of martyrdom and of Muslim mothers extolling and praising their children who became satyrs to the various Muslim wars going on around the world.

According to Syed Rizwan Farook’s family neither on exhibited any sign of being bat shit crazy.


Well then if it is so hard to tell then let’s kick everyone out of the pool.

If those good “moderate Muslim” relations to the bat shit crazy ones were looking at deportation, we think there might be an increase of Muslim tattle tales.

Yeah these measures are a bit draconian but has anyone ever read the Sharia code?

These people have given up their shared humanity.