
Philosopher Camus wrote “Always go too far, because that’s where you will find the truth.”

Special Joint County Commission & Fire Meeting Agenda Budget Workshop

  The meeting got of to a slow start. Seems the meeting started at 8:00 and the fist agenda item started at 8:30. A little wasted time, no cost involved.

  One good thing, the Baker water tank should be replaced in June.

  Finance Director – “The revenues came in from the board of taxation and I don’t see where we are going to receive any windfall. As the mineral prices drop and the mines are cutting back, those revenues are going down.  Robinson mine is appealing their assessment on property tax. This is handled by the Department of taxation and if the mines prevails we will be paying them back this year and next year.”

  “You are looking at cutting $600 to $700 thousand out of the budget. As usual we have more expenditures then revenue.”

  Laurie Carson – “NACO has lost one of their contributors and are thinking about assessing counties to acquire this money’s.”

Finance – Request travel expenses, includes nine trips for meetings -$5,447. and a color printer $700.

  (Is it possible some of these meetings could be telephone conferences? I know that personal contact is preferable and accomplish more. But if half were by phone we could save.)

  Human Resources – $10,000. contingency for any investigation. If there is a wrong doing the insurance will cover some, but not all.  Also a $1,000. for a lap top for employee use, insurance forms, etc., and travel money to attend 2 Pool/Pact meetings $850.

Information Technology – Plan is that this will save the county money.

We need an in house technology that knows what we need. $15,000 request for on going computer replacements.

Library requested a part time employee to do the card catalog. The pay would start at $12.00 to $13.00 per hour. It was stated starting wage is no lower than $17.00.  This is a training position and should be paid as so. (I do agree with this.

When someone is in training, someone is doing the training and that adds to the expense. I do hope the committee negotiating with the union takes this in mind.)

  The subject of a County Manager came up. As explained, there would be one person over the departments, because the Commissioners can not do the job. (This is true, but a manager can not make decisions without the commissioners. I feel we would have the same results with one more employee.)

Memo to White Pine County Commissioners

From Elizabeth France, Finance Director

Position History in White Pine County

  The full-time equivalency history from FY2006 through FY2015 is based on actual hours worked and not budget. Therefore, due to turnover and up filled positions, the FTEs do not necessary represent budgeted positions but are close approximation.

  Prior to FY2006 at the May 11, 2005 commission meeting, the Board of County Commissioners reduced positions. Therefore, it is not entirely accurate to say that there was an overall increase of thirty position in the county.

    They reduced five full-time positions and one half time position effective June 10, 2005.

    They also reduced one hour per day from nine positions. This would have the effect of reducing another 1.125 full-time equivalents.

    In addition to FY2006 data reflects 1.46 FTE in finance. How’re, the Department of Taxation did not replace the comptroller when he resigned or an AP position when she resigned.

  In FY2006 the airport was done through a contract service.

  The Fire District in FY2006 was done through a contract with the Nevada Division of Forestry.

  The Aquatic center added approximately 7.5 positions.

bathlumber (1)

This evaluation shows that there were approximately nineteen additional positions, some to cover contract positions, the overall increase is closer to eleven.

Position Changes Requests for FY2017

Promotion of Deputy Clerk to Chief Deputy Clerk

Promotion of Appraiser Trainee to Appraiser

Promotion of an Appraiser Senior in to the Assessors Office

Request for a full-time IT Engineer

Request for a full-time mechanic shared between the Fire Department and Sheriff’s Department.

Reduction Office manager to half-time in Maintenance Department

Request for Seasonal worker for the Agricultural District

Promotion of an Equipment Operator

Promotion of a parts Manager

Request for McGill Pool Supervisor

(I know some of these are necessary and seasonal are part time, but what happened to the rules the commission has laid down? Could it be they make the rules to sound like they are making hard discussions and then waive them. Is this commission capable of living with in a budget? Is history repeating it’s self?)


Once again I encourage you to call the commissioners and give them your thoughts, they need it.

Laurie Carson 293-3134

Mike Coster     293-2933

Richard Howe   287-2851

Carol McKenzie   238-5384

Gary Perea      293-7356

Coming Events

Monday’s – Celebrate Recovery, 16 Shoshone Circle – 7pm (775-410-1341)

April 9 – Volunteer Appreciation Dinner-invitation Only. Convention Center 289-3720

April 16 – Richard Ellyon Cowboy Poetry.    Library.  775-293-6900

April 19 – Native American Art – Art

April 22-24 – Nevada Archeological Society    Convention Center

May 1 – 7 – Small Business Week

May 6 – Fresh Food Distribution

May 6 – Panorama Art Show   Art Bank & Garnet Mercantile

May – 6 – PEO Art Auction

May  6 – Northern Nevada Fresh Food 3:00

May 13 – NORC 1/2 & 1 Mile Shootouts SR 490

May 13 – Nevada Open Road Parade of cars

May 14 – NORC Car Show Broadbent Park

May 14 – Little League Pancake Breakfast.  7-11 am Broadbent Park

May 14 – Art Bank Outdoor Art Sales

May 14 – 15 – Ely Amateur Golf Tourney   Golf Course 8am  289-4095

May 15 – NORC Race Day!!

May 23 – USDA Food Distribution.

Geri Wop