
We must all understand laws, rules and regulations control our lives.  Laws, rules and regulations affect the cars we drive, our jobs, our retirements, the taxes we pay, etc.  Every minute of our lives has some kind of rule, regulation or law that influences what we have or don’t have.  Judges and attorneys are the creators and interpreters of rules, regulations and laws.  We, in the past, have been able to enjoy a high standard of living because this nation has had a low amount of corruption and a high amount of honor, integrity and justice in the legal system.  Most people can look at their community or their life style and see that we are losing our quality way of life.

The people choose to govern themselves through the founding documents, like the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. The key to having justice, domestic tranquility, provision for the general welfare, the blessing of liberty and our posterity is because the PEOPLE’S awareness that corruption in the system would take these virtues from them.  If the people in charge of rules, regulations, and the makers and interpreters of laws, moved away from honor, integrity and justice and start to promote corruption in the system, the people would lose all of the virtues of life they have enjoyed for so many years.

The people of a nation can tell when corruption is growing by some of these factors; when your cell phones, your electricity, your water and other things like food and the basic things you need to live, raise in prices and the income you receive does not raise at the same rate.  These things happen because of corrupt interpretation of laws, rules and regulations.  Laws rules and regulations are connected to judges and attorneys and some of these things may include lawmakers.  The failure of income to keep up with prices is because of the growing amount of corruption in the system.  Some of this corruption is revealed in the following legal cases.  United States Bankruptcy Court District of Arizona case number… You can see the corruption at https://youtu.be/eHgbRYgpGGs

These cases reveal the need for legal reform.  If the people are going to maintain their way of life the people will have to promote the idea that they will not allow corruption in the system.  The people will have to insist that honor, integrity and justice are present in the actions of judges and attorneys.

The way Americans would do this is to email every judge and attorney and ask them to make the commitment to legal reform.  The next step is for the people to ask every city, county and state elected official to have the attorneys on their payrolls make the commitment to legal reform.  These elected officials must ask the judges to also make the commitment to legal reform.

The people of the nation have two chooses, (1) do nothing and lose everything or (2) choose to do something to address the growing problem of corruption.

My prayers are that you and the business that you work for will use your skills to cause people in the nation to protect the virtues listed in the Preamble of the Constitution of The United States of America.

Roger Chantel

Veteran/Concerned Citizen/Union Carpenter/
