Lee H. Hamilton

This campaign year has been full of twists and turns. We don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow, let alone on November 8. So talking about what comes afterward seems premature. But it’s been on my mind a lot, because I’m worried.

This is not about who wins the presidency. I’m concerned about the aftermath of this campaign season and how hard it’s going to be for our next set of elected officials, from the President on down, to govern.

   Let’s start with the belief expressed by a lot of people — including

some candidates — that the system is “rigged.” This is a perilous way

to treat the country’s political system; it sows distrust in future

election results, de-legitimizes winers, and undermines the government’s

credibility. If the charge takes hold, it will put political stability at


   We all have criticisms to make of the system. We know it doesn’t work

perfectly and that there’s no shortage of challenges the nation needs to

address. But to convey the impression that the whole system is rigged is

dangerous and risky. Without a basic foundation of trust, representative

government crumbles.

Instead of taking aim at “the system,” we could instead focus our

criticism on a more substantive target: politicians, including the two

presidential candidates, who have failed to serve us well in their debate

on the economy.

Much of the debate has revolved around immigration, trade, and other

issues of the moment. These are not unimportant, but they’re not the heart of the matter. The real issue — the one that politicians have proffered few

solutions for — is that the economy is not working for most people. True,

there’s been some improvement in the lot of middle-income earners, but

the fundamental issue that economists of all stripes have been warning us

about remains. This is that we face significant structural problems,

driven not so much by foreign competition and immigrant workers, but by advancing technology and globalization.

Our real economic challenge, in other words, is how to provide meaningful

work and good wages to tens of millions of clerks, accountants, factory

workers and service providers whose jobs are disappearing because of

robots, machine learning, and other irreversible changes in how work is


Politicians need to place much more emphasis on economic growth, which is the key that unlocks many doors and is the preferred course to ease the anxiety and cynicism abroad in the country. Growth should be the central

aim of economic policy, and how to achieve it should be the focus of the

policy debate.

The problem is, this election isn’t providing us with a substantial

policy debate. We’ve heard plenty about personality, vision, and the

alleged dirty dealing of people on the other side. Serious debate about

policy approaches has been replaced by sound bites signifying… well, not

very much.

Indeed, if anything characterizes this election, it’s the politics of

personal destruction. Demonizing the opponent has become the central

concern of many campaigns, up and down the political ladder. This approach is toxic for democratic institutions and political culture. We have to be able to disagree in this country on matters of great import and

controversy without tearing into and trying to destroy the opposition.

We have always had — and should have — vigorous partisanship. But

today, politicians prefer hunkering down with their fellow believers and

party members and circling the wagons. This makes it very hard to get

negotiations going, which is the only way to make the system work.

All of this — the attacks on the system, the lack of meaningful debate about improving Americans’ economic future, the generally substance-free

nature of the campaign, the politics of demonization — will make it very

hard for whoever wins office to govern well. The anger, frustration,

cynicism and outright pessimism that we’re seeing in this election cycle

will not miraculously dissipate on Election Day.

It used to be that when a president came into office, a substantial majority of the American people gave him the benefit of the doubt, and with it an extended period in which to get things done. I don’t believe that’s going to happen after this election. And all Americans will be worse off as a result.

By Lee H. Hamilton

Lee Hamilton is a Senior Advisor for the Indiana University Center on

Representative Government; a Distinguished Scholar, IU School of Global

and International Studies; and a Professor of Practice, IU School of Public

and Invironmental Affairs. He was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives

for 34 years.


