g-wop-e1466378432492-150x150-1Philosopher Camus wrote “Always go too far, because that’s where you will find the truth.”

White Pine County Commission Meeting, January 25, 2017

Public Comment

Burton Hilton “Drought is over for now in White Pine County.”

Ernie Rivera questioned the $100,000 McGill wants to spend on a new library. He feels the building is owned by the county and the county can close it at anytime like they did the last one.

George Chachas is concerned about a bomb that could destroy the jail addition and courthouse that is in planning.

Ken Kliewer – From radio station 1230 am, offered the station as a outlet for any county news.

Approval or Denial of Appeal of home owner Joshua Youngblood, owner of 49 Keystone St., Ruth. This home is scheduled for demolition. Pictures were shown of the property and the sheriffs department discuss the evidence of transient people using the building.

The vote was 5/0 to deny the appeal.

Selection of contractor to demolish three buildings in Ruth ( 15 Cedar St, 27 Keystone St. and 49 Keystone St.).  Dirt Works received the contract for $17,500. Landfill fees are not included. Vote 5/0

Discussion regarding an invitation from Sheriff Watts for Commissioners to tour the White Pine County Jail. Shane Bybee and Steve Stork have already completed the tour.

Discussion regarding the sale of county property, revenue sale of these properties are rebuilding of the public safety complex. There are nine properties that are available for sale and will be auctioned. Two parcels have been removed because they are near the airport and are included in a runway extension.  The county will have to contact the FAA to be able to sell these.  Parcels 002–161-05, 002–161-06, 002–161-07 and 002–161-08 all are located behind the hospital. Parcels 010-270-25 and 010-320-06 were tabled due to their closeness to the airport.  Parcel 010-731-01 is on Mineral Heights and Opal Drive (this was originally designated as the park area for the Mineral Heights.) Parcel 010 -731-51 is at Mineral Heights and Bobcat Drive. (this was also originally designed as a part for the Mineral Heights area.)

   The vote was 5/0 to hire an appraiser for the seven properties to be sold.

Community Coordinator – Blackham

  Reminded the commissioners it was time for water permits. There were  22 water permits due in North Steptoe Vally at a cost of $2640.

Human Resources Director – Ricci

   Hiring an airport manager with the compensation of $22.63 per hour without benefits. It was decided that there would be no more than 15 hours per week. A vote was taken and Lance Gale is the new airport manager as of January 25, 2017.

Vote 5/0

Discussion/Action – Department Head is regarding a newsletter to the public. Elaine Blackham was chosen to start a Facebook page. This page would put out notices from each Department Head and would not be able to be interactive with the public.

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City of Ely Council

Meeting –

January 26, 2017

Pat Robison and Bruce Setterstrom were absent.

Public comment

A letter from Rick Stork was read. Mr. Stork wanted the Council to obey the NRS regarding the selection of the Municipal judge. He provided –

NRS .020  unicipal judges: Election; term; oath; qualifications; justice of the peace as ex officio municipal judge.

      1.  xcept as provided in subsection 3 and NRS 266.405, each municipal judge must be chosen by the electors of the city within which the municipal court is established on a day to be fixed by the governing body of that city. The term of office of a municipal judge is the period fixed by:

      (a) n ordinance adopted by the city if the city is organized under general law; or

      (b) he charter of the city if the city is organized under a special charter.

Before entering upon his or her duties, a municipal judge shall take the constitutional oath of office.

      2.   municipal judge must:

      (a) e a citizen of the State;

      (b) xcept as otherwise provided in the charter of a city organized under a special charter, have been a bona fide resident of the city for not less than 1 year next preceding his or her election;

      (c) e a qualified elector in the city; and

      (d) ot have ever been removed or retired from any judicial office by the Commission on Judicial Discipline.

      3.  he governing body of a city, with the consent of the board of county commissioners and the justice of the peace, may provide that a justice of the peace of the township in which the city is located is ex officio the municipal judge of the city.

      4.  or the purposes of this section, a person shall not be ineligible to be a candidate for the office of municipal judge if a decision to remove or retire the person from a judicial office is pending appeal before the Supreme Court or has been overturned by the Supreme Court.

      [36:19:1865; B § 941; BH § 2454; C § 2536; RL § 4856; NCL § 8398] — (NRS A 1983, 899; 1985, 671; 1999, 95, 1183)

Lynn Burliegh and Linda Davies repeated Mr. Stork’s request.

Richard Howe requested the City and County work together on the Jail extension and Courthouse.

City Attorney – Odgers said there was a 32 page document sent to the attorney general concerning open meeting laws.

City Engineer – Almberg  stated The city needs to incorporate some of the communities just outside the city limits in order to qualify for road repair grants.

Consideration of an application for Reclassification of Zoning for Apeceche Trailer Park.

  There was a letter sent out to all the trailer and RV Parks to have their property grandfathered in. The previous owner said he did not get the latter. The time limit has gone past to grandfather this property in. The new owner asked for a special use permit so that the RVs could stay in the trailer park. The Council discuss the many problems with an RV park and denied Gloria Labra her request. Vote 3/0

Review of and possible direction to City Attorney to work with White Pine County to reinstitute a Regional Planning Commission, per  White Pine County request.

Vote 3/0 (It sure looks like the County and City are starting to work together, I am pleased.)

Discussion / Action

Approval of resolution 2017 -01 transferring the city of Ely’s ownership interest in 1785 Great Basin Blvd., Ely, NV. For the purpose of jail expansion and construction of a court facility which will house all the Courts of White Pine County, including the Ely Municipal Court in one location.

   Discussion included the establishment that the city would have as much space as it has now, if not more, at no cost to the city. Hansen wanted to add that the city Council could use the facilities for special counsel meetings. He stated that this could save the city up to $150 a meeting. It was pointed out that there are no meeting rooms planned.

   The City Attorney pointed out that it was time to work together and not have childish difference at this time.

   It was also pointed out that because it would be a transfer of title there would be no appraisals needed.

Vote 3/0 to proceed.

Geri Wop

HD Advocate Ad 01-2017

g-wop-e1466378432492-150x150-1Philosopher Camus wrote “Always go too far, because that’s where you will find the truth.”

White Pine Economic Diversification Council

January 17

  The council did not have a quorum, so no voting or decisions were made. New member Candice Campeau was present. More board members are needed. This board is made up of 13 members, so there needs to be seven members present To conduct an official meeting.

A discussion on contacting power suppliers on the possibility of locating a power generating plant in white pine county. Several power companies were mentioned and there is a possibility of having one come into our area.

There was a discussion on rentals and property sales and white pine county. There appears to be lots of property available for rent. The sales of homes have been very vigorous this year.

The care center was discussed because there will be new management.

The prison is to install a RV park near the prison for it’s employees.

Ely City Council Special Meeting

January 18

New Business

Consider and possible acceptance of the request of the White Pine County commission to transfer the City of Ely’s ownership interest in 1785 Great Basin Blvd. for the purpose of the jail expansion and the construction of a County Justice Center.

Letter from the Commissioners –

January 11, 2017

Esteemed city council members,

    White Pine County is undertaking the planning and development of a community Justice Center (Jail expansion and Courthouse Complex) adjacent to the existing Jail/Public Safety Building on the property commonly know as 1785 Great Basin Boulevard (APN 002-280-15).

    As you know, White Pine County and the City of Ely are equal and joint owners of this property. This property was originally deeded in the 70s to both the City and the County, for the exact purpose of working together in the development and construction of a public safety building to include a new courthouse. As the construction of this complex progressed, the need for the jail portion to be completed became more imperative, the funds the County had set aside for the Courthouse portion, were used to finish the jail project.

   The County has now set side over 8 million in SP 74 funds and net proceeds revenues, and has fiscally conservative plan to secure additional funding to build the long-awaited courthouse and expansion of the jail to address our communities current and future needs. This is only the beginning of the planning process, in which the County wishes to involve local building professionals, community members, and City officials in the cooperative and reasoned approach to this building.

   However, for the County to proceed with securing the additional funding (applying for a low interest USDA loan) for this project, and unless the city wishes to partner in financing this project, the County needs to be sole owner of the real property.

   It is respectfully requested therefore, that the City of Ely deed its interest in this property unto the County of White Pine for these purposes. This would be a similar transaction history when the White Pine County deeded the portion of its interest in this same property on to the City of Ely at no cost, for the purpose of building it’s current fire station, which the county recognize this suburban service the entire community of Ely and White Pine County. Similarly this community Justice Center will serve all the citizens and portions of the court (Jury duty, etc.) equally. In an effort of good faith and to promote the service of all the citizens in our community, in exchange for the City to deed unto the county of its interest in this property, the county will provide at no cost, office space in the new courthouse for the Municipal court staff and scheduled access to court room for Municipal court proceedings.

   Please let this  Board know if these terms are acceptable , at which time a final lease and deed will be provided unto you. A new era is upon all of us, and it is our soul duty to work together to provide a safe, fiscally sound, and prosperous community for our citizenry.

Richard Howe Chairman, White Pine County Commission

Comments –

Hansen is for the plan, but would like to have City Council meetings held in the new facilities. “I again urge you all to insure the future negotiations guarantee our rights to use the meeting area for the proposed facilities, in addition to the Municipal Court requirements, as we move forward with the county in this project.”

Setterstrom would like to have at least 200 ft.² of office space for the clerk and staff. He would also like to have the property reverts back to joint ownership if ground is not broken within five years.

Howe – We need A letter of intent to get this project underway. This is to be built for all of us.

Motion was made by Setterstrom  – send  a letter of intent to the county.

4/0 vote. (Sam Hansen was missing)

Other items to be sent to the county – #1 – access Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday from 9 to 12 for the Municipal  Court, #2 – Clerks area to be 200 ft.², # – 3 separate judges chamber. All at no cost to the city.

Tourism and Recreation

January 19

Suspend Lease for sign at Highways 6 and 318. NRS 410 says signs need to be 300 feet apart. There is another sign that is in compliance but is only 150 feet away. The sign needs to be removed within 30 days or there could be penalties and fines.

Approval was given to open the annual volunteers appreciation dinner on May 5, the cost to be no more than $12,000.

Approval was given to order business cards for all board members. 250 cards for each member at the cost of $17.50 for each member.

Approval was given to solicit for a new board attorney. The existing attorney is leaving town for a new position.

Approval was given to purchase new trade show giveaways, this giveaway is eyeglass cleaner cloth.

(The new board was very successful and was able to have a quick meeting.)

Geri Wop

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