In response to the letter the Nevada Democratic Party confessional delegation has sent to Governor Sandoval asking for the removal of the Pat McCarran statue, The Independent American Party of Nevada supports this request on one condition: In order that we show no favoritism or be hypocritical, that we at the same time remove all mention of the man who made this statement:
“I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between the white and black races. There is a physical difference between the two which, in my judgment, will probably forever forbid their living together on the footing of perfect equality; and inasmuch as it becomes a necessity that there must be a difference, I, as well as Judge Douglas, am in favor of the race to which I belong having the superior position.” Abraham Lincoln October 13, 1858.
After we have finished erasing all mention of Abraham Lincoln, we should then tear down the White House, because Mrs. Obama made mention of how hard it was to wake up each morning in a house built by slaves. Moving through our Capital City we should get rid of the Washington Monument as well as the Jefferson Memorial because both were slave owners. The bodies of our brave military heroes should then be removed from Arlington Cemetery because their souls cannot rest in peace on land once owned by Robert E. Lee. And all mention of the Democratic Party will have to be censored, because it was the pro slavery party with thousands of KKK adherents.
Is the absurdity of removing the McCarran statue clear enough yet? Next we’ll have to implode the pyramids because the Egyptians enslaved the Jews.
We are a Country with a rich and diverse history, filled with the high ideals of liberty under God, and yes, a history with a less worthy side, but selectively erasing our history leaves us vulnerable to repeating its darker side. We must remember that this country was founded by decent men and women, who, like all of us, weren’t perfect and they, like us, were products of their times. Though not perfect, Pat McCarran was one of the greatest U.S Senators in Nevada history. Can we not celebrate what our predecessors accomplished in spite of their limitations and short comings and learn from their mistakes at the same time?
If we continue down this slippery slope, eventually there will be no statues of anyone in the US capitol, because it is possible to find fault with any historical figure. This revisionist history, this madness, must stop. But if we must continue this hypocrisy, let’s start by banning all reference to Barrack Obama’s mentor, Harry Reid.
By Joel F. Hansen, Esq.
Joel F. Hansen, is Attorney for the Tea Party Candidates
And Chairman of the Independent American Party of Nevada.