Senate phone lines have been flooded for weeks. As constituent calls have reached record levels, many callers have been getting busy signals and full voicemail boxes, and have been unable to speak to their elected representatives. But citizens will not be deterred. On February 14th at 1 pm a group of 15 of Senator Heller’s constituents along with the League of Conservation Voter and For Nevada’s Future visited his office, 8930 W Sunset Rd #230, Las Vegas, NV 89148, in person to deliver letters from 430 of his constituents calling on him to reject Scott Pruitt, Donald Trump’s corrupt nominee to head the Environmental Protection Agency.
Nevadans understand Pruitt’s real agenda is obstructing and defunding the vital work the EPA does to protect our air, water, land and health. How can we trust a man who has himself sued the EPA – more than a dozen times? A man who took letters written by Oklahoma oil and gas lobbyists and copied them word-for-word onto his government letterhead to send to the EPA? A man who abused his official power to harass the Humane Society for protecting farm animals?
Scott Pruitt and other attorneys general held secret meetings in 2015 with oil companies to coordinate attacks on the EPA. Then, the same oil companies made big campaign donations to support the attorneys’ reelection campaigns. This is the worst kind of corruption – especially when it’s done with willful disregard for the health of Americans.