The 8th annual Great Bathtub Boat Races took place last Saturday. This year even with only five bathtub boats, the Ely Bath Tub Races were an amazing success.
We talked with Meg Roads, at the White Pine County Tourism and Recreation about the Tub Races at Cave Lake.She said that concerns were raised when both the Rice family and Untamed group, and their combined 5 boats, were not going to be able to attend. Luckily some new competition stepped up. This year a team from Overton, NV as well as one all the way from the Bay Area in California, joined in the festivities. That combined with the addition of the newly formed group from the White Pine Care Center, and Tom Sandt’s Rookie boat, gave the estimated 2500 spectators lots of excitement and entertainment throughout the day. There were several heats with most boats having multiple crews. The canoe and kayak races both had a record number of participants and the fireworks on the lake finished off the evening beautifully. It was great to see all the families getting together and enjoying themselves. There were people fishing, swimming, kayaking, barbequing and just relaxing.

The Winners were:
One Person Non-motorized:
1. Sea Dawg #1
2. The Rookie
3. The Goat
Women’s Non-motorized:
1. Hope Floats
2. Sea Dawg #2
3. Sea Dawg #1
Men’s Non-motorized
1. Sea Dawg #2
2. Hope Floats
3. Sea Dawg # 1
Mixed Non-motorized
1. Last Minute
2. Hope Floats
3. Sea Dawg # 2
1. Last Minute
Kayak Races
Lukas Werle 1st
Michael Richter 2nd
Leah Carvajal & London Slaughter 3rd
Canoe Races
Ages 13 & up
Eddie Spear & Alli Huntington
Javas Leach & Kyle Leach
Carlos Carvajal & Dell Roboson
12 & Under
Leah Carvajal & London Slaughter