This past Tuesday a 13 years old young man, going to the West Wendover middle school, was missing. The family alerted the local West Wendover police at around 5:45 p.m. of him not returning home. As a juvenile, we will withhold his name, but the family was frantic as they had a tragedy a few years back about an other juvenile very close to them. This young man was missing due to a seizure and a black out from it. Chief of Police Burdel Welsh told us that the police department, the Fire department and volunteers were on the look out for him, the whole evening, until he was discovered by officer Pantelakis, who found him after 9:00 p. m. along Florence way, between Mesa and Silver, under the railroad tracks. He was still having seizures, and was transported by ambulance then helicopter to Salt Lake City Primary Children’s Hospital. He was back in Wendover the next day, Wednesday.