Philosopher  Camus  wrote “Always go too far, because that’s where you will find the truth. “

White Pine County Airport Advisory Board May 1, 2018


Update/Discussion on Airport Usage Report – Tim Parish

                                   2018   2017

Private Planes              56      51

Commercial                  49      57

Medical                         23       22

Government                 24      29

Total Emplanements 337    338

Update on Ely Air Races to be held June 12 – 16, 2018 & Community Committee – Lance Gale

The Formula One people are asking to have a test date. On that date, they’re going to do an actual Test Flight Around the course. There will not be pylons up, we will have barrels on the ground as markers. The FAA will be here to monitor and when they say that’s okay, we will have other scenarios that we have to participate in. One scenario is when the EMS respond to a plane crash incident, another will be someone falling from the grandstands and one if someone is drunk and tips over. We don’t know but there may be other scenarios that we have to participate in. The schedule date is May 11th , we do not know what time . This is on a Friday and most people would prefer to have it on a Saturday , but we don’t know if we can get it changed . We are not sure as to what they are looking at, there may be a scenario where the plane goes into the audience.

  The FAA  is very impressed with our plans, in fact the Reno Air Show will be doing some adjustments to their plans to meet the same plans we have. It is to our advantage that we have the EOC building within a quarter of a mile of the airport.

   Clean up day for this event is a Saturday, it’s been posted on the Just Serve program and so we’re going to advertise that we need about a dozen or 15 people to be here to clean around the south end of the airport. 9 Am on June 2.

   On May 15, 16 we will be having the fencing delivered. It is called the crowd line fencing and it will be 6 ft tall. So on June 2nd we will have some of the volunteers putting the fence together. The fence will have to go 2000 feet in front of the airport.

    Then on June 6th through the 8th that’s when the County will be moving in the bleachers into the location. We have approval from the County Commissioners to move in every bleacher they have, and last week we got approval from the City to use their bleachers. Then we’ll be bringing some tables out from the fairgrounds. These tables will go around the vendors so people have a place to sit down and eat.

   I need to confirm the number of tie-downs spaces we have formally. We have 33 tie downs, that takes care of 33 planes.

Phillips “The problem with that is if we use all of these for transient planes, where do we put our aircraft that are coming for display?”

Gale “We are going to meet this week and take a cruise around the airport and see what is logistically possible for everyone’s needs. The next question is where would you like to see our display? The T6’s  are coming from Fallon. There is also a B-17 coming, if the air show that is scheduled the same time as ours does not get the waiver. If the B-17 cannot come, they will be sending two 51 Mustangs. These will be brought through Liberty Foundation out of Oregon. And one of the cool things is, when the airport is opened up again for general aviation, they will be giving rides.

   Air Med Care will have two of their planes and a helicopter here on display. SUU will have a helicopter and a Cirrus here on display. “

Phillips “ In some of our dirt area we have these huge badger holes, what makes these holes? ( Everyone answered that question, Badgers.) We have an area here with not too many Badger holes that will need some blading in this area and there is a problem with the proximity to the spectators. We will need some security to shoo them away.”

Gale “The reason we bring this up, is that when the plane’s take off for the race they cannot fly over the planes that are tied down.”

Gale “We have had to move some of the fencing and the course of the race, because we cannot race over the highway.”

Phillips “We have to make roadways that are easy for the ambulances to travel in case of an emergency. They have to get to every section of the airport.”

(Looks like this board has looked at every possibility or event that may happen during the races. I feel that they are well prepared for most anything.)

Update on lease of South hanger number 2 – Lance Gale

The awarding of the lease of South hanger number to will take place at the County Commission meeting on May 9th at 11 am.

Update on Navy hanger – Lance Gale

The Hanger has been painted on the front with an off-white. The high school students have agreed to make the lettering in blue.

Discussion/Action/Possible Approval of murals to be painted on the south doors of the Navy Hanger

Two high school students have agreed to paint murals on the two doors. A selection of different photos from the airport and of planes that have been at the airport were approved for the girls to choose from.

Comments from the airport manager

   On June 11th the movie irlift will be playing at the central theater at 5 PM.

Gale “I have noticed that we are getting antelope on the airport property again. I cannot find any place they are getting in so they must be jumping our fence. We do have to figure out a way to get them off the property and to keep them off. They are a great hazard to any plane landing or taking off.”

Next meeting- June 5, 2018

Ely City Council Meeting April 26, 2018

Public Comment

There was comments made about a building on Murray Street, that they feel is not under permit or a legal structure.

Another comment was regards to the Box at the Animal Pound, this person would like to have it as public affair to see the Box removed and dismantled. This person also complained about the cleanliness in the facility. There was also a complaint about a person from out-of-state adopting several cats. This person is afraid that these cats might have been used for research purposes. (I do frequent the pound, and I have never seen any thing inside that was not cleaned. I will admit that the outside area does gets some build-up of dog feces at times, but it never gets to a drastic state. And the cats adopted from the person from out of state, was for rodent control and all the information is in the reports.)

Richard Lee Wades “First off I am for getting rid of the box. I do have two questions, the first one is if I want to improve a piece of property downtown what code books do I need to look in. I know it’s the universal building code book but I don’t know what year. (2012) My other question is how much is owed in the rears at the dump? ($360,000.) I know it might be embarrassing, but why don’t you list their names in the newspaper? And if you can’t embarrass them put liens on them.”

Pat Robison  “The box has to go, Ely is the only place in the state that still uses the box. Another thing I would like to say is that each department has a liaison and this person is to bring back comments to the City Council, not direct the department as to how to do their job. Animal Control was put under the Attorney, because it is for the safety and protection of the community and animals. The Animal Control Officers duty is to the public, therefore when he gets a call he needs to respond as soon as possible. In between all these calls he does have clean up, major cleanup, paperwork, feedings, adoptions, calls, questions and research. He socializes with the animals in his spare time. When we get the Advisory Board in there, I think that we can do a lot to help.”

( I fully agree with everything that Pat has said. The main job of the animal control is to protect people and animals. He must go on every call that he gets. One thing we need to remember is he is not only the Animal Control Officer for the City of Ely, he covers all of White Pine County.)

Kay McMurray  “I here in support tonight for the agenda items pertaining to the gas chamber. I am pleased Andrew has been trained for euthanization. I saw nothing that said he cannot euthanize cats. I also feel you need to reconsider having Bob Switzer over the pound. The City attorney has been very instrumental in The Advisory Board.”

( Once again someone has some common sense as to how things should be done and I fully agree with McMurray statement. I am in full support of the City Attorney being over Animal Control. Animal Control is not a only City Department, Animal Control is over all of White Pine County and the Attorney is very needed.)

   Items for Discussion / Possible Action of the Ely City Council as recommended by the City Planning Commission.

Approval of Home occupation permit to Jonathan Reed to conduct a landscaping business. Reed Landscaping   located at 9 Connors Court, Ely Nevada.

5/0 Approved

New Business

Approval of Abandonment Order granting a of portion of Avenue D to Prospector Enterprises Ely, LLC, pursuant to the City Council’s December 14th 2017 action

Odgers “We need an order of Abandonment be signed, the order is here today ready for you to sign. Mr. Van Camp and Mr. Lemich have requested a  injunction. But there’s nothing to stop you from signing the original order.”

Mike Lemich requested that the secretary read a letter that he had composed

Lee ( secretary) read the letter from Mr. VanCamp and Mr. Lemich   Attorney  in objection to continue with this abandonment. We are opposed and continue to oppose. We want a proper judicial opinion on this item and that opinion is in the processes now. It would be premature for the Council to agree to this. If the City can even abandoned part of this road is the issue in review. We therefore request that the Council table this item. Until the pending resolution is reviewed.”

Lemich “ You are not addressing the law or the ordinances. If what you’re doing today ends up in court. You need to wait and whatever pans out, I will be satisfied with. Bert owner of the Prospector  “ I am not a party to the lawsuit I’m not here to speak on the lawsuit, I do have a question, I did not see a request for an injunction in the lawsuit.

   We are only looking to improve our business and the City of Ely. We are going to make the City look better and improve all the properties around the hotel.”

Van Camp “There is injunction.”

Odgers “ If you go ahead with the abandonment, but there will be an injunction filed. That’s all we can do. Odgers proceeded to lay out the process of getting Junction. It may have been filed but it can’t be heard until the City Council agrees to the order granting a petition to Avenue D to the Prospector.”

Odgers  and Lemich continue to argue.

3/1 Approved Gardner was the only no. (Hansen was acting mayor at this time)

Approval for White Pine County to use Broadbent Park June 12th through 16, 2018 for the Ely Air Race events and approval for White Pine County to use City of Ely bleachers at the airport during the Ely Air Race event.

Gale “I have required a permit to use Broadband park on the 14th 15th and 16th. As I’ve said before we have only so many places for people to go to eat, so we need Broadband Park for food vendors. And we have two to three thousand people coming to town and we need a place to seat them at the Air Races. We can come in take the structures, bleachers and have them back and put back in their places. We will have entertainment here as well as venders, and police protection.”

Odgers “I want to make sure that Broadbent Park is covered under the insurance that is being provided. I don’t think the City should have the liability if anything should happen.”

Gale “ I will have a copy of the insurance policy to you shortly.”

5/0 Approved providing that the insurance does cover.

Direction to the City Attorney to negotiate a contract for fiscal year 2018-2019 with Eureka Vet Services for purpose of euthanasia by injection until all the requirements can be met by the City of Ely for euthanasia by injection, negotiate the fee and other processes for euthanizing an animal in the control and custody of the Animal Control Officer, with the draft contract coming back before the City Council for approval.

Odgers “We need to have a backup, so we do not have to end up shooting an animal”

5/0 Approved

Discussion/For Possible Action  – Approval of Nevada Recycles $5,225 grant funding agreement between Nevada Division of Environmental Protection  and the City of Ely for the Ely Recycling Center Canopy Project, NDEP required receipt of the signed funding agreement by 4– 18 – 18.

5/0 Approved

(When elected officials stop trying to micromanage other departments? These people have not done the job that they want to manage, how can they know what is to be done.

Geri Wop