Sheriff’s Corner

By Sheriff Scott Henriod WPCSO

Last week’s Sheriff’s Corner I had the opportunity to discuss the nations opioid epidemic and the tragic affects it is having not only nationwide, but right here in the state of Nevada. With over dose deaths on the rise law enforcement is taking an aggressive approach on how they can help fight this epidemic. Several things that the Sheriff’s Office is working on to help reduce these deaths are, first through our drug task force and deputies working patrol we are going after those who sell the opioids illegally. Individuals who obtain the opioids from their doctor then sell the drugs will be listed as a priority to identify who they are and then proceed forward with an investigation to obtain a criminal complaint for their arrest. Second deputies will be going through a Nevada POST certified training put on by the Nevada Attorney General’s Office. This training will consist of how to properly administer the drug Naloxone. When deputies receive a call for service or come across a person who has over dosed on opioids they can administer this drug in an attempt to save the person’s life. Naloxone is a drug that reverses the effects of opioids. Deputies will carry this item in their patrol vehicles where it will be accessible for them to use.  The Sheriff’s Office will continually move forward with its efforts to help and assist the citizens of our great community and state.