Published in the High Desert Advocate 6/28/18 Edition

By Karen Shepherd
This past Monday, June 25th, was our second blood drive for this year and we had an amazing turn out. 51 people turned out to give blood. Nine of those were deferred from giving for various reasons but we still hit over and above our goal of 39 pints.

This past Monday we had a record 7 first time donors and 11 people donating the double red cell donation. A double red cell is similar to a whole blood donation, except a special machine is used to allow you to safely donate two units of red blood cells during one donation while returning your plasma and platelets to you. Overall we had a total of 42 units of blood being donated by our awesome Community. This can mean saving up to 126 lives! Red Cross is amazed and appreciative of the dedication our Community has shown for these events.
The next drive has yet to be scheduled but should be sometime in October. Look for those notices and thanks Wendover!!