The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Ely District has released the Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the proposed Gold Rock Mine Project in eastern Nevada, approximately 50 miles west of Ely, Nevada. The Project was originally proposed by Midway Gold U.S. Inc., and was purchased by

GRP). GRP Gold Rock, LLC is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Fiore Gold (US) Inc.
The Gold Rock Mine Project is located entirely on public land administered in White Pine County by the BLM Ely District, Bristlecone Field Office. Construction and mining operations that would occur within the fenced 8,757 acres would disturb 3,946 acres. The proposed action also includes 200 acres of exploration disturbance in addition to the 267 acres of previously authorized exploration outside the fenced area. It includes construction and mining operations for an open pit gold mine that would include expansion of an existing pit, construction of two waste rock disposal areas, heap leaching operations, a refining plant, a carbon-in-leach plant, tailings storage facility, roads, ancillary support facilities, exploration areas and a power line connecting to the Pan Mine located north of the project area. Water would be supplied by an existing well located on public land south of the main project footprint.
The proposed project would add 300 jobs during construction and 150-250 jobs during peak mining operations to the rural economy. It is expected that the mine project would generate between $10.1 and $12.1 million annually in labor income for area residents. The life of the mine is expected to be 10 years.
The BLM conducted public scoping in September 2013 and issued a Draft EIS in February 2015. The Final EIS analyzes issues identified through public scoping and cooperating agency and internal BLM review processes. Primary concerns associated with the project include socioeconomics, water resources, grazing, soils and reclamation, vegetation, wildlife, tribal interests, and air quality.
Following a 30-day availability and review period for the Final EIS, the BLM will issue a Record of Decision describing the alternative it has selected, detailing the provisions that are part of its decision.