Published in the High Desert Advocate November 22nd, 2018 Edition.
Keith Capurro, Deep Roots Harvest’s CEO reaps the rewards of campaign money and in kind given to the three candidates sworn in, this past Tuesday City Council meeting by a vote FOR recreational marijuana retail sales.(photo credit High Desert Advocate)
The Tuesday meeting of November 20th, 2018 was short but to the point. With quiet a few important items on schedule it was still not a very lengthy one. First the three councilman and council women were sworn in, two incumbents Jasie Holm and Izzy Gutierrez together with new councilwoman Kathy Durham. So there was no surprise when later on one of the items in the meeting, reintroduced by councilwoman Jasie Holm together with Mayor Corona about including Recreational Marijuana Retail Sales was voted 3 Yay to 2 Nay for it. In effect the West Wendover locals voted back in two pro-marijuana council people and added one more councilwoman, who were pro-recreational marijuana. In the past city council meeting three councilmen working for the Casino industry voted Nay against the two Yay of Holm and Gutierrez. But maybe the great money contribution from Deep Roots Harvest to the pro-marijuana candidates tipped the balance of the voters: they knew who to vote for to get recreational marijuana on the books.
One of the Spillman brothers waiting for the meeting item about Zoning change to the land own by their company Bomarc. (photo credit High Desert Advocate)
Other items on the city council good for the town were also voted in: Bomarc and the Spillman brothers got approved for a Zone change from Residential R-2(duplex, triplex, fourplex) with a maximum density of 11units per acre to Residential RMF (multi-family) with a maximum density of 20 units per acre. This means a much needed increase in future habitats for locals.
In other matters, it looks like the city, after having reviewed, background check, etc, and narrow down to five candidates for the Chief of Police position, accepted and approved the city manager’s recruitment committee recommendation on the selection of a candidate out of Oregon with 21 years experience.