Ely City Council February 14, 2019
Kurt Carson and Ernie Flangas absent
Public Comment
Kay Lynn Roberts McMurray read a letter from Montie Lyn Liebsack
As you may or may not be aware, on the evening of January 19th, 2019 Animal Control received a call concerning abandoned dog with a embedded collar that had been hanging around one of the mining camp out near Bald Mountain mine. Even though the dog was skittish and scared, it was able to be caught and taken to Animal Control by ACO Andrew Hayes. Andrew immediately cut the dog’s collar off in order to relieve the pressure and allow the dog to be more comfortable.
The next day Andrews who took the dog to Dr. Jenny Holt at the White Pine Veterinary Clinic to be treated for the wound and infection on it’s neck. After being put out under anesthesia, the wound was cleaned, treated and dressed in the dog was released that day with pain meds and antibiotic, leaving an overall cost of $277.50. Thanks to the generous animal-loving public, both local and non-local, who have donated to the medical / vet/ care funds that I managed to take care of pound and homeless animals in situations like this, the entired amount of this bill was paid in full out of this fund.
The reason I have written this letter is because I feel that even though many of these donors choose to remain anonymous, it is still important for the public to recognize for what they do for animal control and for the animals in need of White Pine County, and this is just one of the many ways they have contributed!
I am very happy to see that Ely Animal Control has since received funding from Maddie’s Pet Project to help with the situations like this in the future, leaving the money in the medical / vet / care fund that I have to help the homeless animals in need that do not end up at the animal control.
It should also be known that this same animal-loving public (local and non-local) are the ones who have so also contributed to the fuel fund that I manage, which covers the fuel cost when myself and others drivers have transported our excess pound animals out of town to other no-kill shelters to prevent them from being euthanized due to no room at our local animal control facility.
Always dedicated to the animals,
Monte Lyn Liebsack
Janet Leigh read 2 letters, one from John O’Flaherty, Chairman of the Utilities Board, recommended that the City work with Great Basin engineering. The second letter was from Rick Stork, he recommended that the new City Council should hire the engineering of their choice.
George Chachas commented on several items, including water connections and ADA accessible facilities.
Fire Department
Chief Rivera
Fire department call report January 17th thru February 5th, 2019
Medical transports – 16
Non – transport 4
Jail Check – 9
Standby – 1
Smoke Detector Alarm and 1 Report of Smoke
Motor vehicle accident – 1
Hazmat fuel spill private property – 1
Total calls – 34
Chief Rivera “ I attended the Nevada Preparedness Summit in Reno. I learned a lot of things and one big one was the City and the County needs to learn to work together. They have the cities and counties working together and we seem to have a hard time with this. One thing they have there is a joint City-County meeting, this keeps Communications going.”
Jolene Gardner “The two fires in McGill, did you go to assist?”
Rivera “No. I am not allowed to go.”
Jolene Gardner “I thought that was solved?”
Odgers “ There is a standing order that they cannot.”
Deputy City Clerk
Election 2019
I, Jennifer Lee, the duly appointed, qualified Deputy City Clerk for the City of Ely, County of White Pine, State of Nevada, do hereby certify that the following have declared their candidacy for the election office as designated. As provided in Ely City Code 1-8 1-8 A., more than twice the number of candidates to be elected have filed for nomination for the office of Mayor and the City Council seat 2 and 4, the names of candidates for Mayor, Council Seat 2 and Council Seat 4 will appear on the Primary City election ballot. The candidates listed have requested that their names be printed on all ballots as set forth below.
Mayor – Four Year Term
Marion J. (Sam) Hanson Nathan Robertson William Sanford Ed Spear
1390 Ave L 23 Reno Rd. 1919 North St. 805 Ave. G
Ely, NV 89301 Ely, NV 89301 Ely, NV 89301 Ely, NV 89301
Seat 2 Ely City Council – Four Year Term
Mel Bahls Kurt Carson George Chachas
219 Nevada Ave 802 Ave. I 681 Parker Ave
Ely, NV 89301 Ely, NV 89301 Ely, NV 89301
Seat 4 Ely City Council – Four Year Term
Jim Alworth Michelle Beecher Geri Wopschall
805 Ave I 623 Murray St. 1316 Ave G
Ely, NV 89301 Ely, NV 89301 Ely, NV 89301
Animal Control
Total Calls- Ely – 25 County – 14
Dog impounded 9 12
Cat impounded 1 0
Dog Bite 0 1
Fees $415. $430.
7 bags of food, 6 from Girl Scouts
2 boxes of heavy duty chew toys
1 case of wet dog food
2 boxes of wet cat food
2 bags of cat food from Girl Scouts
8 dog toys from Girl Scouts
Humane Network presented the City with a check for $500. This check is for data reporting.
Discussion / For Possible Action – Approval to allow Animal Control Officer to obtain bids for a cover – materials only – over the open are kennels, to be presented to the Animal Control Advisory Board March 13th, 2019 for recommendations and selection by the City Council March 14th, 2019.
3/0 Approved
Discussion / For Possible Action – Approval for the City of Ely Animal Control facility to participate in Maddie’s Pet Adoption Days, a two-day adoption event for Nevada- base animal groups, June 14-15, 2019, all adoption feJimes must be waived and $300 will be given to the City of Ely Animal Control for every adoption of a cat / dog, do offset adoption costs and other animal control needs.
3/0 Approved (Last year, 6 animals were adopted last year, $1,600 was given to the City Animal Control)
Discussion / For Possible Action – Approval of Trap/Neuter/Release program for the City of Ely Animal Control.
This was an update only, the City has to put in an Ordinance that allows the catch, neuter program.
Dr. Eldridge back in September received a grant from C5. Andrew has been working on his own time to catch feral cats and take them to Dr. Eldridge, they are neutered/ spayed, vaccinated and released back where they were found. There are approximately 100 cats that have been neutered or spayed.
Public Hearings
Discussion / for possible action pursuit to NRS 365. 550, approval of Certification of Roads in the City of Ely.
3/0 Approved ( there are approximately 51.37 miles of roads in Ely, 16.6 are graded and 35.33 are paved.)
Discussion / For Possible Action – Approval to spend purchase order for approximately $6,720 to and Andritz Separation, Inc. for Camouflage control system troubleshooting, to be expensed from the Treatment Plant Maintenance and Repair Account 52.76 – 500.
3/0 Approved to have this company come and troubleshoot, they may be able to calibrate and fix problems at that time, or there will be an extra charge for repair.
Discussion / For Possible Action – Approval to re-appropriate $15,000 from landfill Capital Improvement Projects Account 54 – 7 0 – 600 landfill Capital Outlay Account 54-70 – 600 in order to purchase a 826G compactor, in the amount of $235,000 plus shipping.
3/0 Approved to transferred the money
3/0 Approved to get bids on a new machinery
Discussion / For Possible Action – Approval to re-appropriate $35,000 from the landfill Service and Supply Account 5 4 – 7 0 – 302 landfill Maintenance and Repair 5470 – 450.
3/0 Approved
Discussion / For Possible Action – Approval to begin the Request for Proposal process for engineering services beginning in Fiscal Year 2020 or recommendation of approval for the City Attorney and one member of the City Council to negotiate a renewal contract with Basin Engineering Corporation.
3/0 Approved the contract with Basin Engineering Corporation expires on May 30th 2019
Discussion / For Possible Action – Approval of Municipal Utilities Board recommendation for the content of Ely Municipal Water District water to the Conservation Plan which must be prepared and submitted pursuant to NRS 540.121 – 540. 151.
This is a plan that has to be submitted to the State of Nevada as to what our plans are for water conservation. The plan must include putting meters on every home. The City has no choice in the matter.
( the State has been after the City of Ely for this plan for many years. The metering should have been done in the 90s when Ruth-McGill water was established. Meters not only need to be installed but they need to be read. This will be costing the City of great deal of money, but if they had already been installed, the State would have Grants the City could use, that we do not receive at this point. Do expect your water rates to go up.)
If you have any comments on this meeting you may contact any of your City Council or comment on White Pine Talking.
Ernie Flangas 289-9053
Kurt Carson – 289-3718
Tony DeFelice 702-686-9282
Jolene Gardner 289-6245
Sam Hanson 289-2638
The reason I have written this letter is because I feel that even though many of these donors choose to remain anonymous, it is still important for the public to recognize for what they do for animal control and for the animals in need of White Pine County, and this is just one of the many ways they have contributed!
I am very happy to see that Ely Animal Control has since received funding from Maddie’s Pet Project to help with the situations like this in the future, leaving the money in the medical / vet / care fund that I have to help the homeless animals in need that do not end up at the animal control.
It should also be known that this same animal-loving public (local and non-local) are the ones who have so also contributed to the fuel fund that I manage, which covers the fuel cost when myself and others drivers have transported our excess pound animals out of town to other no-kill shelters to prevent them from being euthanized due to no room at our local animal control facility.
Always dedicated to the animals,
Monte Lyn Liebsack
Janet Leigh read 2 letters, one from John O’Flaherty, Chairman of the Utilities Board, recommended that the City work with Great Basin engineering.The second letter was from Rick Stork, he recommended that the new City Council should hire the engineering of their choice.
George Chachas commented on several items, including water connections and ADA accessible facilities.
Fire Department
Chief Rivera
Fire department call report January 17th thru February 5th, 2019
Medical transports – 16
Non – transport 4
Jail Check – 9
Standby – 1
Smoke Detector Alarm and 1 Report of Smoke
Motor vehicle accident – 1
Hazmat fuel spill private property – 1
Total calls – 34
Chief Rivera “ I attended the Nevada Preparedness Summit in Reno. I learned a lot of things and one big one was the City and the County needs to learn to work together. They have the cities and counties working together and we seem to have a hard time with this. One thing they have there is a joint City-County meeting, this keeps Communications going.”
Jolene Gardner “The two fires in McGill, did you go to assist?”
Rivera “No. I am not allowed to go.”
Jolene Gardner “I thought that was solved?”
Odgers “ There is a standing order that they cannot.”
Deputy City Clerk
Election 2019
I, Jennifer Lee, the duly appointed, qualified Deputy City Clerk for the City of Ely, County of White Pine, State of Nevada, do hereby certify that the following have declared their candidacy for the election office as designated. As provided in Ely City Code 1-81-8 A., more than twice the number of candidates to be elected have filed for nomination for the office of Mayor and the City Council seat 2 and 4, the names of candidates for Mayor, Council Seat 2 and Council Seat 4 will appear on the Primary City election ballot. The candidates listed have requested that their names be printed on all ballots as set forth below.
Mayor –
Four Year Term
Marion J. (Sam) Hanson
1390 Ave L
Ely, NV 89301
Nathan Robertson
23 Reno Rd.
Ely, NV 89301
William Sanford
1919 North St.
Ely, NV 89301
Ed Spear
802 Ave. I
Ely, NV 89301
George Chachas
681 Parker Ave
Ely, NV 89301
Seat 4 Ely City Council – Four Year Term
Jim Alworth
805 Ave I
Ely, NV 89301
Michelle Beecher
623 Murray St.
Ely, NV 89301
Geri Wopschall
1316 Ave G
Ely, NV 89301
Animal Control
Total Calls:
Ely County 25 14
Cat impounded
1 0
Dog impounded
9 12
Dog Bite 0 1
Fees $415. $430.
7 bags of food,
6 from Girl Scouts
2 boxes of heavy duty chew toys
1 case of wet dog food
2 boxes of wet cat food
2 bags of cat food
from Girl Scouts
8 dog toys
from Girl Scouts
Humane Network presented the City with a check for $500. This check is for data reporting.
Discussion / For Possible Action – Approval to allow Animal Control Officer to obtain bids for a cover – materials only – over the open are kennels, to be presented to the Animal Control Advisory Board March 13th, 2019 for recommendations and selection by the City Council March 14th, 2019.
3/0 Approved
Discussion / For Possible Action – Approval for the City of Ely Animal Control facility to participate in Maddie’s Pet Adoption Days, a two-day adoption event for Nevada- base animal groups, June 14-15, 2019, all adoption feJimes must be waived and $300 will be given to the City of Ely Animal Control for every adoption of a cat / dog, do offset adoption costs and other animal control needs.
3/0 Approved (Last year, 6 animals were adopted last year, $1,600 was given to the City Animal Control)
Discussion / For Possible Action – Approval of Trap/Neuter/Release program for the City of Ely Animal Control.
This was an update only, the City has to put in an Ordinance that allows the catch, neuter program.
Dr. Eldridge back in September received a grant from C5. Andrew has been working on his own time to catch feral cats and take them to Dr. Eldridge, they are neutered/ spayed, vaccinated and released back where they were found. There are approximately 100 cats that have been neutered or spayed.
Public Hearings
Discussion / for possible action pursuit to NRS 365. 550, approval of Certification of Roads in the City of Ely.
3/0 Approved ( there are approximately 51.37 miles of roads in Ely, 16.6 are graded and 35.33 are paved.)
Discussion / For Possible Action – Approval to spend purchase order for approximately $6,720 to and Andritz Separation, Inc. for Camouflage control system troubleshooting, to be expensed from the Treatment Plant Maintenance and Repair Account 52.76 – 500.
3/0 Approved to have this company come and troubleshoot, they may be able to calibrate and fix problems at that time, or there will be an extra charge for repair.
Discussion / For Possible Action – Approval to re-appropriate $15,000 from landfill Capital Improvement Projects Account 54 – 7 0 – 600 landfill Capital Outlay Account 54-70 – 600 in order to purchase a 826G compactor, in the amount of $235,000 plus shipping.
3/0 Approved to transferred the money
3/0 Approved to get bids on a new machinery
Discussion / For Possible Action – Approval to re-appropriate $35,000 from the landfill Service and Supply Account 5 4 – 7 0 – 302 landfill Maintenance and Repair 5470 – 450.
3/0 Approved
Discussion / For Possible Action – Approval to begin the Request for Proposal process for engineering services beginning in Fiscal Year 2020 or recommendation of approval for the City Attorney and one member of the City Council to negotiate a renewal contract with Basin Engineering Corporation.
3/0 Approved the contract with Basin Engineering Corporation expires on May 30th 2019
Discussion / For Possible Action – Approval of Municipal Utilities Board recommendation for the content of Ely Municipal Water District water to the Conservation Plan which must be prepared and submitted pursuant to NRS 540.121 – 540. 151.
This is a plan that has to be submitted to the State of Nevada as to what our plans are for water conservation. The plan must include putting meters on every home. The City has no choice in the matter.
( the State has been after the City of Ely for this plan for many years. The metering should have been done in the 90s when Ruth-McGill water was established. Meters not only need to be installed but they need to be read. This will be costing the City of great deal of money, but if they had already been installed, the State would have Grants the City could use, that we do not receive at this point. Do expect your water rates to go up.)
If you have any comments on this meeting you may contact any of your City Council or comment on White Pine Talking.
Ernie Flangas 289-9053
Kurt Carson 289-3718
Tony DeFelice 702-686-9282
Jolene Gardner 289-624
Sam Hanson 289-2638