Published in the High Desert Advocate March 21st, 2019.

Philosopher Camus wrote “Always go too far, because that’s where you will find the truth.”
Ely City Council March 14, 2019Geri Wopschall Around The County
Public Comment
Richard Wade asked if the narrowing of the roads was going to happen this year.
The reply was no.
George Chachas started with a comment on work being done in a private parking lot, he was quickly cut off by City Attorney Chuck Odgers. Odgers told him that his questions have been answered earlier and that his repetitive complaints had all been answered. Chachas said I am talking to the Mayor. Odgers “ This started when Chachas made the same complaint this morning at the Utility Board meeting, that was a water main in the City. He was informed of that. If he continues to makes false statements at the City Attorney as a private individual, I may have to make charges against him. When he starts making personal attacks and false statements he will be taken to court and permanently banned from these meetings. He doesn’t like to follow the rules and makes personal and inflammatory statements, the City Council will be taking him to court.”
George continued with his statements and when he came to the Railroad Foundation, Odgers once again reminded him that the City Council has nothing to do with the Foundation.
Matt Weiser commented on the problems of parking in the canyon, people parking on sidewalks and parking perpendicular to the curb. He also commented on the hiring of Clerk and/or City Treasurer.
Department Reports
Animal Control
Ely County
Cat Impound 2 0
Dogs impounded 3 2
Totals 5 2
Fees $95.00 $70.00
Fire Chief
Fire department call report February 22nd thru March 7th, 2019
Medical transports 19
Non-transports 2
Jail check 2
Motor vehicle accident 1
Residential fire 1
Total Calls 25
Correction from the February 21st meeting – 2 assist WPCSO Body removal.
Originally stated as White Pine County Fire District assist.
Discussion / Possible Action items pertaining to the Public Hearing.
Approval of Second reading of Ordinance 719, Bill No. 2019-02, an Ordinance of amending Title 1, Chapter 6 adding a new section identified as 1-6 2-6 Titled requirement to be a resident of White Pine County within 6 calendar months of being hired as an employee of the City and excluding the requirement of current employees.
( This agenda item was misunderstood by many people. It says once you’re hired you must become a resident of White Pine County. There are no current employees of the City who live outside White Pine County.)
Discussion / For Possible Action – Review of the received bids for 1998 or newer model caterpillar 826g landfill compactor, not to exceed $250,000 and awarding the bid based upon the recommendations of the Municipal Utilities Board.
No bids were received. Wheeler Machinery will be looking at the landfill compactor to see if they can acquire or manufacturer parts to keep it running. $600 will be paid to Wheeler Machinery for inspecting the compactor.
5/0 Approved to hire Wheeler Machinery
Discussion / For Possible Action – Recommendation of approval to order a Title Search to establish ownership on the Water Department Georgetown property where the City Corrals are located for a minimum fee of $3,500 to the expense to the Municipal Water Department, Services and supplies.
There appears to be a problem as to who owns the area where the City Corrals are, the County feels that they own part of that area. The County Stables would like to take over the City Corrals and need to know if they are owned by the City.
5/0 Approved to get a title search.
Discussion / For Possible Action – Recommendation of approval to renew or renegotiate the terms and conditions of the Joint Development and Beneficial Use Agreement between Heggie and Gale Ranching and the Ely Municipal Utility Board, an operating agency of City of Ely for lease of approximately 1,980 Acres of the Georgetown Ranch or open the Georgetown lease for additional bids.
This property has been leased to Heggie and Gale Ranching Joint Development and Beneficial Used Agreement since 2009. It had an automatic renewal in 2014 and needs to be renewed by April 30th this year.
Lance Gale said that this land comes with no guarantee of water. The growing season is very short and they do need to import hay for the livestock. The price they are paying is $4,500 a year.
The City attorney recommended that the Council put this land out for bid.
4/0 Approved to continue leasing it to Heggie and Gale. Hanson abstained because of a friendship and working relationship.
New Business
Discussion / For Possible Action – Approval to begin the purchase process, including obtaining an appraisal, for the area known is Avenue A, currently owned by Michael Lemich as Trustee of the Lemich Family Trust, to bring back before the City Council for approval.
Avenue A runs in front of the train station and this road is used by the train personal. It is a private road and is not maintained by the City. The City would like to do a Friendly Domain agreement with the owner. They will need to get an appraisal.
5/0 Approved to go forward with the process of gaining control of the road
Discussion / For Possible Action – Update on applications received and directed on whether to continue recruiting for the position of City Administrator are take other action.
There were 30 applicants, a questionnaire was sent out, and only nine responded. The City Attorney reduced those nine down to three that were partially qualified. The main lacking qualification was finance.
5/0 Approved to stop advertising for a City Administrator
Discussion / For Possible Action- Reorganization of City Administrator into the City Clerk and City Treasurer or City Clerk/Treasurer and the creation of a Public Works Supervisor position, establishing salary ranges and methods of recruitment.
5/0 to have a Clerk and a Treasurer.
5/0 approve to choose one of the three remaining applicants for the City Clerk position.
5/0 Approved to advertise locally for a Treasurer.
5/0 Approved to look in house for a Public Works Supervisor Position.
Discussion / For Possible Action- Authorization to hire a part-time accounting clerk at $15.42 an hour, not to exceed 1,039 hours annually.
Jennifer Lee stated that this was not a good time to bring on a new employee in her office. There was lots of work to do and there’s no time to train someone now.
5/0 Approved to wait