Published in the High Desert Advocate May 2nd, 2019 Edition.

Philosopher Camus wrote “Always go too far, because that’s where you will find the truth.”
Special Joint County Commission & Fire Commission Meeting April 19, 2019
Public Comment
Public comment and the reading of letters took 1 hour and 35 minutes. I have a copy of all of the letters and I have a recording of all the comments, I will not be listing them here. All comments who were against the interlocal agreement.
I’m very proud to say that I am impressed by the number of citizens that have participated in this item.
Discussion / For Possible Action: Approval to rescind the Interlocal Agreement for Fire and EMS services with the City of Ely.
Failed for lack of second
Discussion/For Possible Action: Approval and/or Ratification to enter into an interlocal agreement with the City of Ely for automatic aid for Fire / EMS calls as previously approved by the White Pine County Fire District.
4/1 Approved. Howe – no
Discussion / For Possible Action: Approval of Resolution 2019 – 17 of the White Pine County Fire Commission declaring its intent to enter into and/or Be Bound by a Coorperative Interlocal Agreement with White Pine County and the City of Ely for the Performance of Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services Pursuant to NRS 277.045.
Godon referred to a $50,000 report we paid for. This report stated that the two fire departments needed to start to train together and to eventually merge.
Howe mentioned the new City Ordinance that its employees have to live in that County.
(This was an incomplete comment, because they have to move to White Pine County within 6 months of their employment. We do have three employees of the County Fire Distract that do not live in White Pine County.)
4/1 Approved Howe – no
Discussion / For Possible Action: Approval to accept the resignation of Carl Gregory as the Interim Department Head for the White Pine County Fire Protection District.
5/0 Approved
Discussions/For Possible Action: Approval to determine and establish proper protocol for call outs in order to ensure EMS Fire calls or not disrupted. (Fire Commission/State Duty Officer/Dispatch).
5/0 Approved to have Richard Howe responsible
Discussion for possible action approval regarding to whom the staff of White Pine County Fire Protection District reports to as supervisor (interim).
5/0 Approved – Richard Howe will take this position
Discussion / For Possible Action: Approval to create a modified job description for District Fire Chief.
5/0 Approved – HR will do this and some of the description will be that the Chief will do training in each Fire department. This will have one person traveling instead of a whole department.
Discussion / For Possible Action: Approval regarding Fire Commission’s desire to recruit for Fire District Fire Chief with modified job description.
Training and recruitment would be top of the list. They need to have boots on the ground with each station.
5/0 Approved
Discussion /For possible Action: Approval of Fire Commission directive to implement letters of notification first the White Pine County Fire Protection District policy regarding reduction of Force (1&2) page 36.
5/0 Approved , they must be sent out today
Discussion only: Approval of plan to allocate and /or relocate equipment, personnel, and other White Pine County Protection District assets located at Fire Station #1.
Maintenance and Finance will get together to inventory. There is a vehicle there that needs to be returned to Lund. HR was directed to reach out to the Volunteer Fire Chiefs to find out what they need and items are to be relocated to other County Fire Stations.
Discussion / For Possible Action: Approval to direct the District Attorney’s Office to review and/ or revise and /or draft policies related to the operation of White Pine County Fire District, including policies related to operations, policies related to personnel, and policies related to hiring and terminating District .
5/0 Approved
Depression/For Possible Action: Approval to direct Human Resources manager to a course of action on replacement of the White Pine County Fire Protection District paid and volunteer staff upon resignation and/or determination.
This is to determine why the volunteers left and if they want to come back.
Discussion / For Possible Action: Approval to direct the White Pine County Sheriff as to the Fire / EMS dispatch protocols in the light of recent action taken by the City of Ely Interlocal Agreement between the County, the White Pine County Fire Protection District, and the City of Ely.
5/0 Approved
Discussion / For Possible Action: Approval to direct the White Pine County Finance Department to research and create a stipend program for the White Pine County Fire Protection District Volunteers.
5/0 Approved
Discussion / For Possible Action: Approval to direct Human Resource Manager as to the White Pine County Fire Protection District Fire Chief job description, duties, salary, in hiring protocol.
Discussion Only: regarding the needs of each White Pine County Fire Protection District Station and / or facility as they relate to the following structural repairs and/or upgrades, equipment, personnel, and / or technology.
This is to upgrade all outlying fire stations and their personnel.
Discussion/For Possible Action: Approval of the interlocal agreement between Nevada Division of Forestry and White Pine County in the Wildland Fire Protection Program at a cost of $29,808 for the year 2012.
5/0 Approved
Discussion/For Possible Action: Approval to set and hold Special Fire Commission meetings at the outline Volunteer Fire Departments (Baker, Lund, Ruth, McGill, Cherry Creek, Cold Creek) in 2019.
5/0 Approved this is to be the full commission attending, not just a Lision
( I wish the Commissioners had been upfront with the County Volunteers. There were too many guessing games and small things that leaked out. I do believe the volunteers need to get some paid for their work and that their facilities be brought up to date. I know McGill needs a bathroom and shower facilities and Lackawanna has been promise a new bay for many years do facilitate an ambulance. These volunteers are deeply involved in any decision that is made by the Commission, they should have been informed from the beginning.)
If you have any comments on this meeting or any other you may contact any of the Commissioners or leave your comment on White Pine Talking.
Richard Howe 775-287-2851
Travis Godon 775-296-2661
Steve Stork 775-397-3550
Shane Bybee 775-289-6209
Ian Bullis 775-781-3526