Published in the High Desert Advocate May 9th, 2019 Edition.

(from L to R)Clark Cannon and JF Cannon (father and son) from Silverado Estates at this past Tuesday City council meeting, May 7th, 2019, were asking the Council and the City manager Chris Melville to wave some infrastructure fees to help new land owners to be able to shoulder the infrastructure bill needed to build their house (photo credit High Desert Advocate).
This past Tuesday, Silverado Estates came in front of the City Council hopping to get some changes toward helping new land owners to pay for the infrastructure needed on their new piece of land to build a house with all the necessary amenities. JF Cannon explained that back in 2007, he was an investor and now because of it he is a builder but not a developer. It was a 12 Million loan he lent to, back then, “the Spirit of Wendover” in good faith, but they went belly up and to recuperate part of his losses he took this ground (land) to either sell it as a bulk or sell it in small parcels. But then interest was too high at the time. JF Cannon continued that Chris (Melville, City Manager) was kind enough to let them (Silverado) brake the land into 53 lots, “and we are going to develop them, but we request the City to pay for and install the required public improvements to the Silverado Estates subdivision.(sewer, sidewalks, storm sewer, connecting the water & sewer).
The City council and the different council men and women explained that they had to follow established rules of law and couldn’t brake those laws. It would make a precedent would be unacceptable for the future, or the past for that matter.
The City manager and the city lawyer, Thomas Coyle (of the Law firm of Goicochea, DiGrazia, Coyle & Stanton)explained that the city back then recorded in good faith the Bond (but the Bond was never received) and explained more in details how the city never got involved in developing subdivisions, and that the city never pays for subdivision infrastructure, it is the developer who does.
Zapateria is now Alison’s JG Store