Published in The High Desert Advocate in the April 23, 2020 Edition

The old Myrna Mini Mall on Wells Avenue were Bomarc Company will have a used car parking lot. (photo credit High Desert Advocate
The Bomarc company with the Spillman brothers is expending and bringing more services to Wendover, their hometown. At the last City Council meeting of Tuesday, April 21 they were(Bomarc LLC) asking the council permission to bring a used car lot to Wendover. It would be situated at the Mini Mall on Wells Avenue(old Myrna Mini Mall). As a start it would be only a few used cars, who would be parked under the parking lot lights. It was approved by the Council.

(L to R) Felix Sandoval and Ramon Salas, working for Silver Zone Construction, started work on a deck on the side of Fratelli Pizza. (photo credit High Desert Advocate)
Also at the same time, at the Bomarc Station on Florence Way Avenue, they are building, with the help of Silver Zone Construction, a deck on the side of Fratelli Pizza for the Pizza parlor customers enjoyment and also the possible future Café next to the Pizzeria.