Published in the High Desert Advocate Newspaper May 8, 2020 Edition.

Ashley Hawkins, 30 year old, from Wendover, Ut, was arrested May 4, 2020.(photo credit Wendover Police and Tooele County Utah)
A local woman who was arrested Monday on drug charges kicked the window out of a patrol vehicle, according to police.
The Wendover Police Department conducted an investigation of controlled substances being sold at the 600 block of Wendover Boulevard in Wendover, Utah. Police obtained a search warrant and arrested a 30-year-old Wendover woman, identified as Ashley Hawkins, for possession of methamphetamine and possession of hypodermic needles.
Hawkins kicked the window out of a patrol vehicle and was charged with damage to city property, the department reported.
She was booked into the Tooele County jail.
