Published in the High Desert Advocate Edition of May 8, 2020.

At the West Wendover city council meeting of May 5, 2020, the council approved to spend over $8,000. in the purchase of banners to put around town to help recognize Class of 2020 during COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. (photo credit High Desert Advocate)

Example of the kind of banners that the city will buy, but with the schools colors, with each graduate’s name and picture.
Last Tuesday, at the West Wendover city council meeting of May 5, 2020, both in a regular meeting item and in a Public Hearing, the City council approved Lee’s Discount Liquor at 1345 Wendover Boulevard in West Wendover to temporarily allow curb side pick-up due to the current COVID-19 and to allow the temporary placement of a ground level mobile office unit with limited utility connection for up to 6 months, but no longer than that, by Nevada Gold Mines (a sublessee of the property) in order to allow for health pre-screening of employees prior to employees boarding transportation to work site at the local mines and storage of related medical equipment as it relates to the current COVID-19 situation. So now locals leaving in Wendover who work at the Nevada Gold Mines can safely be tasted and go to work knowing that they and their coworkers are not giving signs of being infected.

Presentation to the West Wendover city council meeting of May 5,
2020, by City Manager Chris Melville. (photo credit High Desert Advocate)
The City council also approved and authorized the purchase of Street Banners, single poles, and other brackets for the WWHS 2020 Graduates and installation of banners on City decorative poles. Each banner will have the picture and the name of one of the 54, 2020 WWHS graduates. They will be placed on Wendover Boulevard, Alpine Street, Tibbets, Wendover Boulevard intersection and other places before graduation day and left all the month of June, then given to each graduate as a memorabilia of their 2020 Graduation year, since the regular ceremonies have been cancelled due to COVID-19 regulations about large gatherings. The council also authorized the purchase of two extra banners with poles and brackets to honnor the Wendover Utah High School Graduates and the West Wendover High School Graduates as a whole. The Mayor and the City Manager together with the Fire Chief Jeff Knudson announced that this year they will use leftover fireworks from previous years(4th of July fireworks) to have about 2 minutes or more of fireworks on Graduation Day(June 5th). All this to give an extra boost the the graduates since this year they will only have a small ceremony at the football field with only close family, and keeping safe distancing. Prom never happened due to restrictions.
The council also approved to spend over $8,000. in the purchase of banners to put around town to help recognize Class of 2020 during COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, also single poles and brackets. They would be placed on Wendover Boulevard, on Tibbets, on Alpine street, and on Wendover Boulevard intersection. The banners will have each a Graduate Picture and name, and will be there from one to two weeks before graduation until the end of June. Then they will be given to each student as a memorabilia of their graduation, in these times of COVID-19. They also added 2 more banners for each Class of West Wendover High School and one for Wendover Utah High School, together with their extra poles and brackets.Paragraph
The Council approved the Fireworks, leftovers from previous 4th of July Celebrations, for about 2 minutes or more on the night of WWHS Graduation (June 5th, 2020).
