Published in the High Desert Advocate Newspaper September 11th, 2020 Edition.

Pace Coalition, Wendover Prevention Group, Tooele County Health Department, Community in School… were all participating in an evening for preventing kids drinking and doing drugs. Joana De Los Santos with her two children giving out the candies and the dinners, last Wednesday, Sept. 9. Parents and children come by car to play, participate in a drawing and receive all the ingredients for a good family dinner last Wednesday, Sept. 9.(photo credit High Desert Advocate
Pace Coalition (of Elko County) and Wendover Prevention Group (Two Cities One Community) organized a “Family Dinner” event, this past Wednesday, September 9th at West Wendover Middle School. They distributed ingredients for a complete spaghetti dinner with pasta, sauce, veggies, and dinner bread. Interacted with the people who came by car. It was all free, and they kept it safe.

Pace Coalition, Wendover Prevention Group, Tooele County Health Department, Community in School… were all participating in an evening for preventing kids drinking (photo credit High Desert Advocate)
Just for coming, each family was entered into a drawing for one of several prizes. For an added bonus, at each distributing table, there were signs with highlighted letters that, when unscrambled, spelled out a special message for families. By solving the puzzle each family could receive another drawing entry.
“In these uncertain times, one thing remains true. Our families are more important than ever. It has long been known that eating dinner together strengthens families, bringing parents and children closer together. Research shows that the more often kids eat meals with their parents, the more likely they are to resist negative influences and avoid using harmful substance like alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.”
“Bring the kids and make it an evening of fun for the whole family. It’s safe and it’s free.” And they did. Kids received a candy each.
The High Desert Advocate talked to 3 of the organizers there, Peter Clegg (Wendover Prevention Group facilitator & Tooele County Health Department), Joanna De Los Santos (from Community in School) and Jamie Slade (from Tooele County health Dept. and Prevention Services).
Peter told us that the the plan for the Raffle is to have a live video on Wendover Prevention Group FaceBook page, and it shopuld happen this comming Monday , Derptember 14th, 2020 at around 10:00 am. And people can look at iot even after the fact, it will be posted.
Some of the prizes included some Blue Tooth speakers, some Backpacks, Picnic blankets, Movie Nigh kits(with popcorn…)
We had a great turn out tonight, we had participants in line before our official start time. We hope to build this activity-night more each year to share the message “spending time together as a family is worth it! Our kids need us to be their role models now more than ever.” said Peter Clegg.