Standards increases limit on gathering sizes
Published in the High Desert Advocate Newspaper in October 2nd, 2020 Edition.

September 29, 2020, Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak announced that he is issuing an Emergency Directive adjusting the COVID-19 Statewide Baseline Mitigation Standards, including increasing limits on gathering sizes.
The new directive and accompanying guidance addresses gatherings of all types and iterations. This new directive increases the limit on gatherings from 50 to 250 people or 50 percent of capacity, whichever is less, so long as social distancing can be maintained and all other requirements can be met.
“This is an important step towards allowing more Nevadans to safely participate in social gatherings, including those facilitated by our faithbased communities,” Gov Sisolak said. “Additionally, this will allow Nevada to continue on the responsible path of economic reopening and recovery. With this next step comes great responsibility for our residents, business owners, workers, and families. I’m confident Nevada will rise to this challenge to ensure we follow all mitigation measures and guidance to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and protect our economy.”

Celebrations, Ceremonies, and Event
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, Nevadans will need to gradually adjust our lives to new circumstances and learn how to co-exist with the virus until such time when effective vaccines and treatments become available. In order to do so, we must remember that the best tools we have to combat the spread of this virus is our collective ability to adhere to the infection prevention principles that have remained consistent: maintain safe social distancing, wear face coverings, and practice good hygiene. These simple measures continue to be our only means to reduce the spread of COVID-19 during these challenging times.
Reopening and reviving our state economy is important to all Nevadans. This can be accomplished through the adoption of healthy behaviors as well as mitigation practices within our gathering places, businesses, and industries.
In consultation with federal, state, and local health officials, Governor Steve Sisolak signed Emergency Directive 033, effective at 12:01am on October 1, 2020, to facilitate larger gatherings and events while still diminishing personal contact and increasing the level of disinfection in high use areas. The controlling guidance below accompanies the requirements set forth in Directive 033.

In order to minimize the risk of contracting and spreading the virus, minimum strict adherence to safety and infection prevention measures must be followed. All event venues, gathering organizers, hosts and individuals throughout the State must be fully compliant to ensure a successful next step in our reopening.
The controlling guidance below is for planning, coordinating, or hosting in-person gatherings (e.g., events, conventions, corporate meetings, services, ceremonies and celebrations). These gatherings may take place in outdoor or indoor venues, including but not limited to, community centers, fellowship halls and gatherings spaces in faith-based buildings, halls, rental space in event centers, or outdoor event spaces. The guidance includes, but is not limited to, requirements and recommendations related to the following:
• Implementing 6 foot physical distancing practices during social and business interactions.
• Wearing face coverings at all times.

• Conducting health screenings for all event organizers, employees, and visitors by measuring temperature, assessing for respiratory infection symptoms, and asking if there is a history of exposure to confirmed or suspected COVID-19 cases.
• Requiring regular handwashing and/or hand sanitizing.
• Improving ventilation.
• Implementing adequate environmental disinfection.
• Avoiding crowded areas.
• Dividing large mass gatherings into smaller separate groups.
• Preventing congestion of individuals in small areas and ensuring locations of one-way entry and exit movement within the venue.
• Encouraging employees, participants, and individuals to stay at home if symptomatic or if they have recent history of contact with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19.
• Asking employees or visitors who start to develop symptoms consistent with COVID-19 to leave the venue and/or seek medical care as appropriate.
The proper implementation of safety measures may feel challenging; however, this is our best way to reduce the individual and collective risk the COVID-19 virus presents while ensuring Nevada’s businesses and economy can continue on the path toward full recovery.
As set forth in Directive 033 and for the purposes of this guidance, a “gathering” is defined as an activity that draws persons to: (1) the same space, (2) at the same time, (3) for the same purpose, and (4) for the same duration of time.
This guidance is specific to “gatherings” only and is based on the rules set forth in Emergency Directive 033. This guidance does not impact the current capacity limit of 50 percent for certain types of businesses and activities (e.g. retail, restaurants, bars, pools, gyms, etc)
Large in-person gatherings can present risk for increasing the spread of COVID-19 if social distancing, face covering requirements, and other mitigation guidance is not followed. All organizations, individuals and families, and event planners are encouraged to provide remote services as an alternative to hosting large gatherings.
MASKS AND FACE COVERINGS: As of June 24, 2020, individuals in Nevada are required to wear a face covering when they are out in public, per Emergency Directive 024. The emergency directive includes exemptions for children under a certain age and individuals who are unable to wear or tolerate a face covering due to medical or mental health conditions or other reasons. There are also situations in which a face covering may be temporarily removed, such as when actively eating or drinking, provided that social distancing is maintained between members of different parties. Businesses and venues may choose to have more protective requirements than those in the Directive. under certain circumstances.
Managing Occupancy
Summary: Directive 033, effective at 12:01am on October 1, 2020, provides that the general public shall not gather in groups of more than 250 individuals or 50 percent of fire code capacity, whichever is less, in any indoor or outdoor area whether publicly or privately owned where the public has access by right or invitation, express or implied, whether by payment of money or not. A venue’s 50 percent capacity is dictated by the applicable local jurisdiction’s occupancy limit set for such venue. This provision shall not be construed to apply to gatherings of individuals at residential properties. However, it is strongly encouraged that gatherings at residential properties be capped at no more than 10 indoors and no more than 25 outdoors. See “Nevada COVID-19 Guidance for Gatherings at Private Residences” This guidance is based on space size, predictability and flow of movement, duration of time in designated shared space, and the potential spread of COVID-19 at large gatherings, even when precautions are taken.

Gatherings, events, celebrations and ceremonies in private residences should be limited to a maximum of 10 individuals indoors and 25 individuals outdoors. Capacity should be decreased if necessary, to ensure a minimum of 6 feet social distancing between non-household individuals. Unless the home regularly functions as an event space or venue, events larger than those outlined above should not take place in a private residence. See “Nevada COVID-19 Guidance for Gatherings at Private Residences”
PUBLIC & PRIVATE GATHERINGS: Event Spaces & Venues (Indoor & Outdoor)
*This does not include Trade Shows, Conferences, Conventions, Professional Seminars & Similar Gathering Activities (see separate guidance in this document)
Event staff: For the purposes of determining occupant capacity based on Directive 033 and this guidance, event staff and event hosts will NOT be counted toward gathering capacity limits. The number of workers at a venue does not need to be included when considering occupant capacity for the purposes of this guidance. Staff are required to ensure the successful implementation of these guidelines and the safety of participants. Therefore, staff do not contribute to the capacity limit. All staff must adhere to all social distancing measures and guidance outlined in this document and any other guidance document specific to their employment.
Limit Capacity as Necessary. If the number of individuals creates congregation, congestion, or bottlenecking that does not allow for proper social distancing and compliance with this guidance, the venue must further reduce the number of individuals it allows to a level that achieves compliance with this guidance.
Celebrations, Ceremonies, and Event LIVE ENTERTAINMENT at Gatherings Live entertainment (e.g. live music, entertainment performances, sport competitions) is allowed if the requirements in the “Baseline Guidance for Gatherings” found at the bottom of this document are met, in addition to the requirements below:
• If a gathering of any size includes a live entertainment event or performance, there MUST be a distance of at least 25 feet maintained between the performance area (e.g. stage, court, field), and the audience. Consider installing a barrier or partition between the performance area and audience.
• So long as performers, competitors, actors, entertainers, coaches or players always maintain at least 25 feet of distance from spectators, they are not required to be included in the occupant capacity limit. Should they join spectator spaces, they must be included in the occupant capacity limit. Event staff that interact with spectators as part of their duties during an event should not be counted against the occupancy limit.
• Standing room only is prohibited.
• SEATING: • Gatherings with less than 2,500 capacity: Individuals must be seated in a designated seat.
• Gatherings with 2,500 or more fixed-seating capacity: Individuals must be seated in assigned fixed seating. [SEE “Large Gathering Spaces & Venues (2,500 fixed seating capacity or more”]
• “Ambient” or “Background” music is exempted from the “Live Entertainment” guidance
• For the purposes of this guidance, “ambient” or “background” music is music used to create or enhance a mood or atmosphere that is incidental to the primary activity or location. It is intended to be an unobtrusive accompaniment to the main activity, such as dining at a restaurant or walking through a venue.
Example 1: A pianist playing music in the reception area of a hotel while guests check-in.
Example 2: A singer performing at a restaurant while people dine. See “Live Entertainment at Gatherings” guidance below Gathering Spaces & Venues (2,500 Occupant Capacity or Less)
Any indoor or outdoor gathering space or venue will be limited to gatherings of 250 individuals or 50 percent occupant capacity, whichever is less, so long as social distancing can be maintained with individuals spaced 6 feet apart and all other requirements met. For venues with less than 2,500 occupant capacity, individuals are not required to be seated at all times, providing they allow for social distancing, unless there is live entertainment.
See “Live Entertainment at Gatherings” guidance:
Celebrations, Ceremonies, and Event
EXAMPLE 1: If a venue has a total occupant capacity of 1,000, 50 percent of that equals 500. Since 250 is less than 500, that venue would only be allowed to have a maximum of 250 individuals gathered in that setting.
EXAMPLE 2: If a venue has a total occupancy capacity of 200, 50 percent of that equals 100. Since 100 is less than 250, that venue would only be allowed to have a maximum of 100 individuals gathered in that setting.
Consider advanced registration, reservations and/or ticketing (e.g. on-line, app-based, email, willcall prior to event date), based on the type of event or gathering.
***Any venue may have up to 50 individuals regardless of capacity so long as social distancing and other requirements can be met. This allows churches and other faith-based venues with capacity of 99 or less to continue with the previous 50-person gathering limit, so long as social distancing requirements are met.
*This does not include Trade Shows, Conferences, Conventions, Professional Seminars & Similar Gathering Activities (see separate guidance in this document) Venues with multiple distinct rooms, arenas, areas or buildings that are physically separated may have gatherings of up to 250 individuals or 50 percent of occupant capacity, in each setting. The designated individual settings should maintain separate entrances and exits. If separate entrances and exits cannot be achieved for each individual setting, the venue must stagger the entrance and exit times for individuals to avoid congregation, congestion, or bottlenecking that does not allow for proper social distancing. Each designated area must minimize the use of shared facilities, such as restrooms. For additional guidance on all gatherings, please see the “Baseline Guidance on All Gatherings” at the bottom of this document. Large Gathering Spaces & Venues (2,500 Fixed Seating Capacity or More) If a gathering space or venue (indoor or outdoor) with fixed seating capacity in excess of 2,500 wants to host more than 250 individuals, it may have up to 10 percent of the fixed seating capacity at an event or gathering, so long as:
• “Sections” of 250 individuals maximum are established, see “Sections” guidance below;
• Social distancing can be maintained;
• A “Large Gathering Venue COVID-19 Preparedness & Safety Plan” is submitted and approved according to the process outlined below,
• “Standing room only” is prohibited. All individuals must be seated in fixed, assigned seating;
• Pre-registration, reservations and/or ticketing is required. General admission is prohibited.
Celebrations, Ceremonies, and Event
• General admission, walk-ins, impromptu purchases, and will-call on the day of the event is prohibited.
• Will-call may be open for individuals to pick up their tickets prior to the actual day of the gathering. Will-call is prohibited on the day of gathering to avoid congestion.
• All other requirements are met.
EXAMPLE 1: If a venue has a total fixed-seating occupant capacity of 3,000, 10 percent of that equals 300, which is the maximum number venue would be permitted to have at a gathering, provided they are seated, use Sections, and the venue receives approval of their plan.
EXAMPLE 2: If a venue has a total fixed seating occupant capacity of 20,000, 10 percent of that equals 2,000, which is the maximum number the venue would be permitted to have at a gathering, provided they are seated, use Sections, and the venue receives approval of their plan. They would be required to split up attendees into sections of a maximum of 250, based on occupant capacity of Section areas and social distancing requirements for Pods. If they could adequately fit 250 individuals within a section with all social distancing requirements being met, this venue could hold their 2,000 attendees in 8 Sections.
ALL gathering spaces and venues with more than 2,500 total fixed seating capacity that want to host a gathering for more than 250 individuals are REQUIRED to submit a “Large Gathering Venue COVID-19 Preparedness & Safety Plan” to the local health authority where the gathering is going to take place. The local health authority must review and confirm that the plan meets the local public health standards and will not place an unacceptable burden on the local public health infrastructure. Upon review and confirmation by the local health authority, the plan should then be forwarded to the appropriate State oversight authority for final review and approval. No space or venue with capacity greater than 2,500 individuals may hold a gathering for more than 250 individuals without receiving State approval. See “Large Gathering Venue COVID-19 Preparedness & Safety Plan Submission Guide”
***No plan will receive approval if it does not meet all requirements intended to prevent the local public health facilities and infrastructure from being overwhelmed.
Celebrations, Ceremonies, and Event
September 29, 2020, Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak announced that he is issuing an Emergency Directive adjusting the COVID-19 Statewide Baseline Mitigation Standards, including increasing limits on gathering sizes.
The new directive and accompanying guidance addresses gatherings of all types and iterations. This new directive increases the limit on gatherings from 50 to 250 people or 50 percent of capacity, whichever is less, so long as social distancing can be maintained and all other requirements can be met.
“This is an important step towards allowing more Nevadans to safely participate in social gatherings, including those facilitated by our faithbased communities,” Gov Sisolak said. “Additionally, this will allow Nevada to continue on the responsible path of economic reopening and recovery. With this next step comes great responsibility for our residents, business owners, workers, and families. I’m confident Nevada will rise to this challenge to ensure we follow all mitigation measures and guidance to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and protect