NOTICE, is hereby given that the West Wendover City Council will hold a public hearing in conjunction with the Special City Council meeting of October 27, 2020, at the West Wendover City Hall, Council Chambers #137. The meeting will be called to order at 7:00 p.m.and the public hearing will begin immediately thereafter. The purpose of the hearing is to accept public input and hear comments regarding the City Council’s possible decision to approve a letter of support requested by the Administration of the West Wendover High School in regards to modifications to current school in-person learning reopening plan including postponement of such in-person learning from November 9, 2020 to January 4, 2021 for the West Wendover High School and related decisions by the West Wendover High School Administration.
The public may participate by either attending the meeting in person, submitting written comments by email to abartlome@westwendovercity.com or submitting written comments to the West Wendover City Council at the West Wendover City Hall, 1111 N. Gene L. Jones Way no later than October 27, 2020 by 5 p.m.
POSTED October 21, 2020 / PUBLISHED October 23, 2020.
Published in the High Desert Advocate 10/23/20.