Published in the High Desert Advocate February 12th, February 19th, February 26, 2021 Editions.
Frontier provides basic residential services for rates from $6.00 – $16.00 for flat rate service. Frontier also provides basic business services for rates from $9.00 -$29.90 . Other taxes, fees, and surcharges may apply. Frontier offers single party service, touch-tone, toll blocking, access to long distance, emergency services, operator assistance, and directory assistance. Use of these services may result in additional charges. Budget or economy services also may be available. Frontier offers Lifeline service which is a nontransferable government assistance program that provides a $5.25 discount on the cost of monthly telephone service or $9.25 on eligible broadband or bundled voice and broadband products (where available) and is limited to one discount per household. In addition to Basic Lifeline, individuals living on federally recognized Tribal Lands who meet the eligibility criteria may also qualify for additional monthly discounts through Enhanced Lifeline and up to $100.00 toward installation fees through the Tribal Link-Up program. You may also qualify for an additional state discount where available.
If you have any questions regarding Frontier’s rates or services, please call us at 1-800-FRONTIER for further information or visit us at
Published in the High Desert Advocate February 12, 2021.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 16 day of February, 2021, the City Council of the City of West Wendover, Nevada, approved the adoption of an Ordinance for the City of West Wendover, Nevada, with the Summary and Title as follows:
Summary: West Wendover Ordinance No. 2021-01 Amends Title 4 Chapter 2 Section 11 of the West Wendover City Code by Deleting the Current Provisions Concerning Interference with an Officer and Adopts a New Code Provision Concerning the Same to Eliminate Constitutional Issues, and Providing Other Matters Appropriately Related Thereto.
Title: An Ordinance Entitled “2021 Amendment Concerning Obstruction of An Officer Amendment,” Amending Title 4 Chapter 2 Section 11 of the City Code by Deleting Existing Provisions and Adopting New Language Addressing the Same Prohibited Conduct, and Other Matters Appropriately Related Thereto.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that, pursuant to NRS 266.115, notice of the adoption of the above-entitled Ordinance is being published by title, together with an adequate summary, including any amendments, once in a newspaper published in the City and posted in full in the City Hall. The Ordinance shall become effective twenty (20) days after its publication.
DATED this 17 day of February, 2021.
City of West Wendover
PUBLISHED: February 19, 2021, and February 26, 2021.