Published in the High Desert Advocate February 19th, 2021 Edition.

Zachary Hagood, was arrested by ELPD on Feb. 16, 2021, for being Fugitive from Justice (FFJ)Arrest Fugitive From Another STATE .

Jessica M. Eusted, 27, of Wells was arrested on Interstate 80 for two felony counts of possession of a controlled substance, two counts of possession of a controlled substance by a prisoner and failure to appear on a traffic citation. At Elko County Jail, Eusted was further booked on a charge of communicating a bomb threat. Bail set at $40,445.

Tyler S. Jackson, 21, of Ely was arrested at Ruby Vista and Ruby View Drive for burglary of a business and grand larceny of a gun. Bail set at $40,000.

Skyler K. Eggleston, 27, of Tooele, Utah was arrested at Interstate 80 and Mountain City Highway for possession to sell a controlled substance, possession of a controlled substance, petty larceny and drug paraphernalia. Bail set at $26,820.

Robyn Donavan, 32 year-old from Carlin Nevada, was arrested by ELPD on Feb. 16, 2021, for Willfully and Maliciously Torturing, Maiming and Killing a Dog. Bail set at $25,000.

Thomas A. McCauley, 29, of Elko was arrested at Samaritan House for buying, possessing or receiving stolen property, and taking or possessing vehicle without owner’s consent. Bail set at $22,500.

Victor J. Caraves, 23, of Elko was arrested at 969 Lyon Ave. on a warrant for three counts of intent to utter a fictitious bill, note or check. Bail: $15,000.

Scott W. McDermott, 68, of Lamoille was arrested at Stockmen’s Casino for assault with a deadly weapon. Bail set at $10,000.

Richard Alexander Martinez, from Lehi Utah, was arrested on Feb. 8, 2021 at 100 Wendover Blvd, (Montego Bay Casino)in West Wendover, arrested for Felony Possession and Use of Drugs, reckless driving, Bail set at $6,380.