Published in the High Desert Advocate April 9, 2021

26 teachers and administration took part to the Kagan conference at the West Wendover High School.(photos credit WWHS Staff)

     For the Kagan Conference on March 24th, 2021 at West Wendover High School, there where 26 teachers and administration who took part. 

    The Kagan conference was scheduled and organized by West Wendover High School Principal and staff. 

    The High Desert Advocate talked to West Wendover High School Principal, Craig  Kyllonen, and he said that it was only the high school during this conference. The conference lasted from 10:30 am to 5:00 pm at WWHS.

     Kagan Conferences are meant to “Engage students and raise test scores with teacher-friendly strategies that can be implemented right away… “In this workshop, you’ll experience cutting-edge teaching structures to create classroom success now and forever! In addition, you’ll learn management tips, how to form effective teams, strategies for creating a cooperative class through team building and class building, and why cooperative learning produces gains when group work often fails.”…The Kagan website says “Building Classroom Community Remotely, Class building, Team building, Energizers, and More!

(For Educators of Grades K-12) Teachers who do more team building and class building obtain higher academic scores. Team building and class building create relaxed alertness, the ideal state for learning. When students have security and belonging, they are free to engage in higher-level learning. Never has building relationships among students been more critical than when teaching is being delivered in a virtual environment. Failure to address social and emotional needs while children are learning online results in less learning for students. Come learn how to create a supportive classroom community remotely. Provide more nutrients for the brain with energizing class builders. Reduce the psychological and emotional distance between classmates and instill in students a sense of belonging. Create a caring, cooperative community of virtual learners.”

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