This past Sunday, July 11, 2021, a West Wendover Police Officer stopped a California couple for traffic violations. During the stop, the officer suspecting drug activity, call on the West Wendover Police K-9 Unit. When they arrived, the handler deployed his K-9 partner on the vehicle. K-9 Officer “Astro” indicated the presence of illicit narcotics. After further investigation, the officers discovered approximately 24 pounds of suspected methamphetamine, approximately 2 pounds of suspected heroin and a small amount of suspected cocaine in the vehicle. The combined street value of the illicit drugs is estimated over $100,000. These two suspects were arrested and booked into Elko County Jail for those numerous charges. 

West Wendover Chief of Police Cal Kunz commented: 

“I am thrilled with the outstanding work by our police officers and K-9 Astro. When we stop a large quantity of illicit drugs from entering our community it undoubtedly saves lives. 

The West Wendover Police Department has recently stepped up its efforts to intercept illicit narcotics before they enter our city. We have two well trained narcotics detection K-9 units who are certified in Nevada and Utah. Several of our patrol officers have received specialized training to spot drug traffickers as well as investigate illegal drug activity. We also work closely with our Nevada and Utah law enforcement partners to share information which has led to several drug seizures and arrests in our community as well as outside of our jurisdiction. We will continue our efforts to aggressively pursue and stop drug traffickers and reduce the negative impact they bring.” 

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