Printed in the High Desert Advocate Edition September 24, 2021.

Boys Soccer 

by Emilio Graham 

West Wendover Soccer has officially started the 2021-2022 season. Men’s soccer Coach Jimenez explained that the goal for this season is to get better and improve throughout the season. Coach states that ¨we are not perfect, but we can always have room for improvement and are very excited for this season¨. Coach Jimenez said that the team has come along well. ¨At first it was rough. ¨We had some players learning the basics, but they have learned and progressed very well. ¨We are very excited to see them grow as an athlete¨. When asked about who he thought his toughest competition would be,      

     Coach stated, ¨We have a lot of tough opponents this season, but our toughest opponent is ourselves. Unfortunately, many schools are struggling to keep a full team. Coach Jimenez explained that a lot of teams have dropped out of games due to not having enough players as a result of positive covid tests. 

      The West Wendover Wolverines plaid Yerrington on September 17th, located at the West Wendover Recreation Soccer fields. 

    Best of luck to the boys soccer team throughout the season!

Girls Soccer 

by Tatiana Soto 

           Girls soccer has officially kicked off  their 2021-2022 soccer season! Their team includes six seniors, six juniors, one sophomore and three freshmen. With high hopes for a great season, Head Coach, Sage Olsen hopes for her girls to come out strong and confident. “I would love to see more confidence during the games.” 

           These past couple of seasons have been rough on the Lady Wolverines, but each and every eligible returning player still came out for another season, and are working to improve. Coach Sage Olsen wants her girls to know, “ I’m really proud of you guys because these passed few years have been rough, and the fact that you guys still showed up and still want to play and still are putting forth effort and energy, I think that’s a really big deal and I don’t feel like enough people recognize that.” Girls soccer has many home games this season, so make sure to go out and support. 

Wolverine Cross Country 

by Belsy Trujillo 

          The cross country team has just begun their season with eight runners. The team is currently facing a disadvantage, neither the boys nor the girls have five runners to make up a full team. Aside from their disadvantages, Coach Reamer expects growth and learning from each race. 

           “The ultimate goal would be to perform well at Divisionals.”

Their last race was on September 17th in Twin Falls, Idaho.        Coach Reamer says she has two returning runners so they’re very new. She believes her strengths are that her runners are willing to improve and work hard to improve. 

            Coach Reamer wants people to know that cross country is not just about running, it’s about mental toughness. 

This years teams includes the following runners 

Lusio Gonzalez (junior)

Tanya Maldonado (senior) 

Martha Pantelakis (senior)

Damian Escareno (junior)

Daisy Luna (sophomore)

Manuel Ibara (sophomore)

Abraham Marin (junior)

Alicia Dominguez (freshman)

Wolverine Football       Week 1

By Hayden Hillstead

          The West Wendover Wolverines Football Team kicked off its regular season on September 3rd at the Meadows High School. Unfortunately, the Wolverines fell to the Mustangs 42-0 on a cool summer night under the Friday lights. The team will play the Incline Highlanders on September 17th.  Overall, the team wanted the win but felt as if this game was a step in the right direction.

           Here’s what Head Coach Jerome Reamer said when asked about his thoughts of the game: “I thought we did pretty well. I mean, first game, out of the gates, not being able to work against guys live speed-wise, I think we did pretty well. I was impressed with, you know, we only had one penalty in our first game. I don’t think this team has done that in a number of years, so, overall, pretty good. It’s a good start. Gives us a place to start with and work on and fix things as we go through the season.”

           As for the other two coaches, Offensive Line Coach Tyler Olson and Offensive Coordinator Tyler Peterson, we asked them how they felt heading into the rest of the season.  Peterson, usually the main play caller for the team, exclaimed that, “I feel like we have a very, very good shot of at least getting into the playoffs this year…” Overall, he believes the team has an exciting future. “…We’re looking forward to seeing what we can do this year, and putting points on the board for sure.”

           “Umm, enthusiastic,” Olson said when asked how he felt heading into the rest of the season, “I think we have a few really good seniors, freshmen, sophomores, juniors that have 

stepped out and kind of first year players in all classes, all grade levels, that have filled in holes that we need and I’m really optimistic.”

The West Wendover Wolverines Football team plays their next game at home vs. the Incline Highlanders, on September 17th. The game will be 1 out of only 3 games this year that will be played at home, with the other 5 being played on the road. Don’t miss your next opportunity to cheer on your local football team, the West Wendover Wolverines!

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