Public Comment Sought on the National Historic Preservation Act, Section 106 Process (archaeological resources) for the Beehive Telephone Company Renewal and Amendment
On February 21, 2022, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Wells Field Office (WFO) will begin accepting public comments, in accordance with 36 CFR 800.2(d), on the National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 process for the Beehive Telephone Company, Inc (Beehive) Right-of-way (ROW) renewal and amendment. Beehive has applied to renew and amend an existing ROW with an underground telecommunication line, including upgrading to fiber optic, under case file NVN-100054. The project is in Elko County along the I-80 corridor between Wells and West Wendover, Nevada and along route 233 between Oasis and Montello, Nevada.
The BLM WFO is seeking comments on the indirect and visual areas of potential effect (APE) to archaeological resources, which are set at a one-mile buffer on either side of the project centerline. The BLM is also requesting any information about archaeological resources of concern within the indirect and visual APEs.
The public comment period on the Section 106 process will be open for 30 calendar days. Comments must be received by March 23, 2022. Written comments can be submitted by mail to the Wells Field Office, Attention: Field Manager, 3900 East Idaho Street, Elko, NV 89801; or emailed to WellsFO_NEPA@blm.gov. If you have any questions, please call (775) 753-0358.
Published in the High Desert Advocate February 25, 2022.
The Bureau of Land Management Ely District, Bristlecone Field Office is asking the public to review and provide input on preliminary issues and planning criteria for a Resource Management Plan (RMP) Amendment and associated Environmental Assessment analyzing a proposal to sell one 0.66-acre parcel of public lands in White Pine County, Nevada. The publication of the combined Notice of Realty Action and Notice of Intent in the Federal Register today initiates a 45-day scoping and review period that concludes March 21, 2022.
The BLM is proposing to amend the 2008 Ely District RMP to identify a specific 0.66-acre parcel for disposal and provide the proposed recipient a patent for the parcel. The proposal meets land sale criteria as described in Section 203 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976, as the lands are difficult and uneconomic to manage as part of the public lands and are not suitable for management by another Federal department or agency.
Maps, preliminary issues, and planning criteria are available online at https://go.usa.gov/xMDeX. For more information, contact BLM Bristlecone Field Manager Jared Bybee at 775-289-1847 or jbybee@blm.gov.
Published in the High Desert Advocate February 11, 2022.
Frontier provides basic residential services for rates from $6.00 – $16.00 for flat rate service. Frontier also provides basic business services for rates from $9.00 -$29.90. Other taxes, fees, and surcharges may apply. Frontier offers single party service, touch-tone, toll blocking, access to long distance, emergency services, operator assistance, and directory assistance. Use of these services may result in additional charges. Budget or economy services also may be available. Frontier offers Lifeline service which is a nontransferable government assistance program that provides a $5.25 discount on the cost of monthly telephone service or $9.25 on eligible broadband or bundled voice and broadband products (where available) and is limited to one discount per household. In addition to Basic Lifeline, individuals living on federally recognized Tribal Lands who meet the eligibility criteria may also qualify for additional monthly discounts through Enhanced Lifeline and up to $100.00 toward installation fees through the Tribal Link-Up program. You may also qualify for an additional state discount where available.
If you have any questions regarding Frontier’s rates or services, please call us at 1-800-FRONTIER for further information or visit us at www.Frontier.com.
Published in the High Desert Advocate January 14, 2022.