The issue of the Ely train is kind of like an itch.
It rubs some people the wrong way and so they scratch and scratch and scratch.
Even if nothing awry is found they keep on scratching until they draw blood.
But the blood is from the scratching and not the itch.
In fact the itch wasn’t there at all.
It was all in the imagination of some very itchy people who picked at the train merely out of boredom or convenience.
It is sad to see so much time and so much effort expended is such a useless under taking.
The Palestinian knife revolt or intifada appears to be winding down.
Seems that the foreknowledge that stabbing people will get one immediately shot and killed is giving pause to even the most wild eyed crazed nut job.
Of course the Arabs and their sympathizers are moaning excessive force.
To which we say again so what?
Only a moron brings a knife to a gun fight.
For pure entertainment the GOP debates have it hands down over the Democrats.
We remember the time when it was the Democrats who provided so much emotion and bare knuckle brawling.
Now they are boring.
Just a bunch of old white people with worn out ideas older the most of our underwear.