November 23
Comments- Jailhouse, Sheriff, John Cobb, etc. all say no to the removal of stop signal. Pedestrians need a light for safe crossing.
Fire Chief Ross Rivera reports medical calls are 540 in the last years and we are approaching that number this year.
City Attorney- past due for water, sewage, etc is $384,000. 104 accounts over $1000. passed due.
Pat Robinson – Animal Control has free spay and neutering with any adoption.
City Engineer Almberg- CDBG projects possible for Ely, only two are allowed. 1. Ely Ave water lines, 2. Water treatment plant or 3. Murry Street extension.
Ely Ave. water lines and water treatment plant were chosen.
Approval of Home Occupation Permit to Julie Spear, A to Z Yorki’s, 805 Ave G.
Acceptance of the 2012 International Property Maintenance Codes.
Discussion Solution to current situation between city and county fire and EMT Services. Postponed until the fire chiefs meet.
Discussion pursue collecting a percentage of the .35% tax currently beings assessed to all residents in White Pine County and only going to the county EMS.
Ross Rivera said the percentage is .035 not .35. Bruce Setterstrom stated the money should be split. We need to get this done while in negotiations with the county. Approved
New Business
Stop light at 5th and Aultman. Dave Berky from the city and Randy Hesterlee from NDOT both stated the light needs to be removed. The repairs of this light has been $10,000. The light parts are not available and the light is often not working properly. There needs to be a study and plans made to remove the light and design a pedestrian activator light to replace it. This project would be completed in 2018. It is important to began the process. NDOT would pay for everything, no cost to the city.
The vote was 2-3, voting to not replace the light.
Designation of a handicap parking spot at 1052 Lyons Ave. There was much discussion as to the cost and who would pay. Other questions – will there be other requests? Should there be a review done in a year? Do we need an ordinance to cover items like this?
The vote was 4-1 for the city to pay $311.00 to instill sign, paint curb and put a handicap symbol on the street. Bruce Setterstrom voted no.
City approved paying Reck Brothers finial payment of $17,311.00.
Selection of date and location for Mayor, City Council and City Staff to formulate a long term strategic plan.
The date will be January 8 and 9 at the Prospector.
Discussion/Action- salary increases for Charles Odgers. Mr. Odgers requested that the city pay his life insurance, amounting to $3,585.00 for the year. The city said he would get 2 1/2% which will include the insurance.
G Wop
Philosopher Camus wrote “Always go too far, because that’s where you will find the truth.”
“Be thankful we’re not getting all the government we’re paying for”
Will Rogers
Layoffs are common with businesses when needed. Why are the County Commissioners so lax in making the hard decisions? The county is top heavy and must cut. Severance pay could be a solution. Please make a decision.
Cowgirl or cowboy up.
A question has been answered. Why does a official put an item on the agenda and vote against it? They don’t always vote no. The official does this because they are asked by a citizen or fellow officials. This is a fair and just practice.
The bonuses given to staff of Tourism and Recreation, I may not
have made clear as I wrote them. The total amount was $2,500.00 to $3,000.00. Each person received $25.00 to $200.00 for part time and staff. Heads to receive $500.00 to $600.00.
If you are not paying your utilities – water, sewer and landfill bills, I know you have a reason. There is help available. Mt. Wheeler has plans that can help, Social Services may be able to help. You don’t need liens on your property.
There is quite a difference between .35% and .035%, the city residents pay this as does the county residents and the money should available to both. Thank you Ross Rivera for the correction.
New Business- Boy oh boy. This item seemed to get everyone confuse.
My understanding is NDOT will remove and replace the light on 5th and Aultman with a pedestrian active light . This would be done in 2018 (?) and would be of no cost to the city. Why did the council vote no? Bruce Setterstrom and Kurt Carson voted yes.
The agenda was not a complete statement, it said nothing about replacing the light. Maybe some had already decided.
Handicapped parking was a no brainier, but needs an ordnance. Each case requesting a handicapped parking needs to follow guide lines. Is there on property available parking? How long will it be needed? At who’s cost?
I do feel Bruce Setterstrom went the extra mile, in purchasing temporary signs and put them in place.
Strategic Planning for the City – 8 & 9 of January at the Prospector.
The Strategic Planning meetings are open to the public.
Now that I record meetings, I am finding officials forget what is said or what they say. I know sometimes we are planning a rebuttal instead of listening. I do the same.
Geri Wop