The reason I started writing this article is that I have noticed too many uninformed voters. I would like everyone to know who your elected officials are, what kind of job they are doing and how they vote. I am very much a conservative and show that in my opinions. My greatest wish is that you make wise decisions for the county and city when voting.
I do realize one person’s vote is not considered to be worth much, but want to emphasize “your vote counts”. The more informed votes, the better the government will be for all of us.
My interest has only been in how our officials vote, why they vote in a particular way and how they handle hard choices. I am not interested in their private lives. Most people only get to see the smiling faces as they try to get your vote. Please learn more about them beyond the free pens, lip gloss and donuts.
There are a few who would like to stop my articles and may succeed. I do hope this doesn’t happen. I would like to see opinions other than mine spoken.
White Pine County Strategic Planning Committee Final Report
This report took an estimated 335 employees hours to present recommendations on balancing the 2016 budget. Submitted by Elizabeth Frances, Dan Watts, Brett Waters, Catherine Bakaric and Kathy Ricci.
Revenue Enhancement
There are 18 taxes, fees and license items. Only 2 of these could be voted on by the citizens of White Pine. Other suggestions are aggressively seeking out grants, sell county owned land, online venue to sell used equipment, solar farm at the airport, cannabis, expanding aquatic programs, leasing jail space and long-distance transport from fire district.
The item to expand the programs at the aquatic center has no explanation as to how, add more programs or open it up for family use.
Restructuring and Expenditure Reduction
1. Hire a County Manager
2. Consolidating services with the City of Ely. Suggestions are emergency services, Courts, financial services, road department and Attorney Services.
3. & 4. Close EDC office and add a part time grant writing position.
5. & 6. Assign duties to different offices.
7. Better negotiations with employees union.
8. 90 day hiring delay.
9. Reduce the BCT concert and hire a full-time IT engineer.
11. Hire a County Manager
12. District Attorney’s office do some outsourcing.
13. Reduce hours at the Library.
14. Eliminate airport manager.
15. Combine Senior Center with Social Services.
This goes on and on 31 items, many hinge on other items being implemented.
Philosopher Camus wrote “Always go too far, because that’s where you will find the truth.”
“With Congress, every time they make a joke it’s a law, and every time they make a law it’s a joke.”
Will Rogers
I can not say this to often- Please be informed and vote for the good of the county. When your in the voting booth, only you know your vote. Also remember the face you see and the hand you shake is someone looking for your vote. Get to know their voting record and views.
White Pine County Proposed Budget
The 25 cent for 911 was addressed in the January 28 commission meeting by Dan Watts. At this time it was stated , this fee is on phone bills already. Right now the money is going to the phone companies. The ordnance # 459, Bill 01-28-2015 was written and had a second reading. What happened? In 11 months this should have been in effect.
Who dropped the ball?
Taken from the January 28, 2015 County Commissioners meeting minutes.
#1 is hire a County manager. We have too many county employees now. I do not feel we need another employee with out letting some high paid people go. The pay they want to offer is $130,000. I just do not believe adding another position will solve the county’s problems, it hasn’t in the past. Many of the suggested reductions pivots on hiring a manger.
Cutting Library hours is not good. This would be a mistake.
The consolidation of county and city services all ways worries me. As we know the fire departments can not be consolidated until 2018, other services may take as long and will the city agree? Will this be an other step in disenfranchising the city?
The airport is something I have questions about. The county gave up FAA certificate some months ago, there will now be a U-Haul business in front of the airport terminal. Now the possibility of no manager? I know the airport manager has applied for grants in different forms to maintain the runways and have been approved by the commissioners. Are we giving up on any form of flight services to Ely? I have a vision of a wind farm with cannabis growing around the airport. Is this what the people of White Pine really want?
There are some good items in this proposal, cuts need to be considered first.
Remember these are my opinions, if you want questions answered or have an opinion, please call the Commissioners
Laurie Carson 775-293-3134
Mike Coster 775-293-2933
Richard Howe 775-287-2851
Carol McKenzie 775-238-5384
Gary Perea 775-234-7356
The Commissioners will welcome your input.
Laws and procedures for the county meetings and agenda.
NRS 241.020 Meetings to be open and public; limitations on closure of meetings; notice of meetings; copy of materials; exceptions.
1. Except as otherwise provided by specific statute, all meetings of public bodies must be open and public, and all persons must be permitted to attend any meeting of these public bodies. A meeting that is closed pursuant to a specific statute may only be closed to the extent specified in the statute allowing the meeting to be closed. All other portions of the meeting must be open and public, and the public body must comply with all other provisions of this chapter to the extent not specifically precluded by the specific statute. Public officers and employees responsible for these meetings shall make reasonable efforts to assist and accommodate persons with physical disabilities desiring to attend.
2. Except in an emergency, written notice of all meetings must be given at least 3 working days before the meeting. The notice must include:
(a) The time, place and location of the meeting.
(b) A list of the locations where the notice has been posted.
(c) The name and contact information for the person designated by the public body from whom a member of the public may request the supporting material for the meeting described in subsection 5 and a list of the locations where the supporting material is available to the public.
(d) An agenda consisting of:
(1) A clear and complete statement of the topics scheduled to be considered during the meeting.
(2) A list describing the items on which action may be taken and clearly denoting that action may be taken on those items by placing the term “for possible action” next to the appropriate item or, if the item is placed on the agenda pursuant to NRS 241.0365, by placing the term “for possible corrective action” next to the appropriate item.
(3) Periods devoted to comments by the general public, if any, and discussion of those comments. Comments by the general public must be taken:
(I) At the beginning of the meeting before any items on which action may be taken are heard by the public body and again before the adjournment of the meeting; or
(II) After each item on the agenda on which action may be taken is discussed by the public body, but before the public body takes action on the item.
Ê The provisions of this subparagraph do not prohibit a public body from taking comments by the general public in addition to what is required pursuant to sub-subparagraph (I) or (II). Regardless of whether a public body takes comments from the general public pursuant to sub-subparagraph (I) or (II), the public body must allow the general public to comment on any matter that is not specifically included on the agenda as an action item at some time before adjournment of the meeting. No action may be taken upon a matter raised during a period devoted to comments by the general public until the matter itself has been specifically included on an agenda as an item upon which action may be taken pursuant to subparagraph (2).
(4) If any portion of the meeting will be closed to consider the character, alleged misconduct or professional competence of a person, the name of the person whose character, alleged misconduct or professional competence will be considered.
(5) If, during any portion of the meeting, the public body will consider whether to take administrative action against a person, the name of the person against whom administrative action may be taken.
Explanation by a Commissioner
This is a longer process than can be done in one day. We presently have a deadline to turn in agenda items 6 working days before the meeting. Assuming no holidays, that means: turn in on Tuesday (8 calendar days before the meeting) at noon. Clean up of submissions (dealing with duplicates or overlaps or deadlines that make an item premature or too late) is done on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning. Review by the Chairman takes place on Wednesday afternoon. On Wednesday and Thursday, the agenda itself has to be typed up. About the same time on Wednesday and Thursday, the District Attorney reviews the agenda. The agenda is completed on Thursday afternoon and published/posted that evening or by 9:00 am on Friday morning as I understand it. This allows 3 full business days, as the law requires.
So, lets work backwards….for the Wednesday, January 13 meeting, the agenda has to be signed and posted not later than the morning of Friday, the 8th. Items are finalized on the 6th or early on the 7th (part of the 7th is used to get the internet copies uploaded and the mailed copies duplicated and ready for mailing at the PO). Submissions that start the process are due on Tuesday the 5th. NOTE: There are no holidays that would add a day in this particular schedule.
Bottom line: Meeting a 3 day notice period requires 7 working days (Tuesday to the following Wednesday) in advance of the meeting. 3 are statutory notice days after it is published, and 4 are days getting it ready to publish. (I looked at submission deadlines in other counties and they varied from one day earlier to one day later. So, even if we could reduce processing by one day, it would take 6 working days to comply with the law and do the process right.) Following your suggestion of 13 CALENDAR (not working) days, would mean that the agenda for the regular Commission meeting on January 13th would have to be published by 9:00 a.m. on December 31. Back up 4 more WORKING days for the “getting it ready” period, and submissions would be due not later than noon on December 28.
Geri Wop
G Wop
“Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.”
Will Rogers
Our County is following the rules of getting out the agenda items and having been walked through the process, I know it is very time consuming.
The way the newspaper is set up, this information can not be put in the paper in advance of the meeting.
The Clerk’s Office will mail out the agenda if you call 293-6509 and request a copy. You may also pickup a copy at the Clerk’s office, as well at the library.
If one has a computer, you can get the agenda by e-mail, backup material is also available. The backup material does explain the agenda items.
As the commissioner states presently the deadline to turn in agenda items is 6 working days before a meeting. Maybe 8 working days would work.
I would like to see people informed about what the commissioners are discussing in time to voice their opinion or ask questions.
It seems the county is only informed after the fact. If something is coming up important to a commissioner, like the franchise fee, information seems to get out way a head of time.
This may be an unsolvable situation.
Keep up the good work, Geri!