Truck pile up near Pilot Valley exit Monday, January 23rd (photo credit Janell Green).


Three different incidents involving semi trucks, with one having a death, were the results of this year cold winter.

Last Sunday, January 22nd, at around 2 :00 pm the nevada Highway patrol answered to a fatal crash on US93, about 28 miles south of Wells. 

    A gold Dodge SUV was traveling southbound on US93.   The driver crossed over the centerline into the northbound travel lane to pass multiple vehicles in front of him.  The front of the SUV struck the front of a white semi (tractor and trailer in combination) that was traveling in the northbound travel lane.        

   Bryan Nichols, age 54, from Spring Creek, Nevada sustained fatal injuries and was pronounced dead at the scene.  The driver of the semi, Josue Rosales, age 40, from Victorville, California was not injured.

Then Monday the 23rd, at around 11:00 a.m. near the Pilot Valley exit on I-80, West of Wendover another Semi slid off the icy road, jackknifed  yet another truck and started a pile up and traffic jam of semis.

We also have a report from the Manager of the Apartment Complex on Aria Boulevard, that on Saturday morning, the 21st, at around 4:30 a.m., that another semi-truck backed-up in the apartment complex, hit two cars and a pine tree, and also destroyed some other landscaping while trying to get out.

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