Left to right with their class grade: Deagan Wilcox(11th), Alec Evans(12th), Jordan Eveleth (9th), Louie Copelan Team Captain(12th), Elijah Haynes(11th), Colton Smith (11th), Jesus Rosales (12th), and in front row, AOT Advisor/Coach Kent Hoffman (Photo teacher and coach Kim Reamer).
Left to right with their class grade: Deagan Wilcox(11th), Alec Evans(12th), Jordan Eveleth (9th), Louie Copelan Team Captain(12th), Elijah Haynes(11th), Colton Smith (11th), Jesus Rosales (12th), and in front row, AOT Advisor/Coach Kent Hoffman (Photo teacher and coach Kim Reamer).

On their first AOT meet Wednesday, January 18th, in Ely Nevada, WWHS won against White Pine and Battle Mountain, and lost against Lowry( Winnemucca). Lowry made 1st, West Wendover 2nd, White Pine 3rd and Battle Mountain 4th. Good start for WWHS and White Pine. The new teams lost a few members who graduated last June, but gain a few more.

On their second AOT meet Wednesday, January 25th, in Winnemucca Nevada, WWHS won against White Pine (Ely) and Lowry(Winnemucca), and lost against Spring Creek. Battle Mountain was a no show due to bad weather.



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