
The Nevada Families for Freedom says:” The Nevada Legislative Session will begin February 6th 2017. There will be a rally at the Carson City Legislative Building at 401 S. Carson Street, starting at 9:00 AM. You can come to support this cause. We need to hold our Legislators accountable so that they do not change their mind and cause us to lose the ground that we have currently gained. We need to make sure they are being responsible and representing us the people who voted them into office and not allow them to give into the various powers and agendas that do not and will not have our best interest at heart. The decisions that they make during this session will effect the WHOLE state of Nevada, not just a couple of counties but every single homeowner who has a domestic well. This is a very big issue, a critical issue and it will effect the current well owners as well as future well owners. Congratulations on continuing to spread this petition, our numbers/voices keep growing which is great. Continue to spread the word, we have not won yet and we still need to stay on top of this issue and see it completely through.”

HD Advocate Ad 01-2017


Centracom 2016 11-halfpage ad

H&R Block 5 x 8.25 Refund Advance print ad